Nicu Alifantis "Rar" lyrics

Translation to:enfrhu


Singur, singur, singur,Într-un han, departe -Doarme şi hangiul,Străzile-s deşarte,Singur, singur, singur...

Plouă, plouă, plouă,Vreme de beţie -Şi s-asculţi pustiul,Ce melancolie!Plouă, plouă, plouă...

Nimeni, nimeni, nimeni,Cu atât mai bine -Şi de-atâta vremeNu ştie de mineNimeni, nimeni, nimeni...

Tremur, tremur, tremur...Orice ironieVă rămâne vouă -Noaptea e târzie,Tremur, tremur, tremur...

Veşnic, veşnic, veşnic,Rătăciri de-acumaN-or să mă mai cheme -Peste vise bruma,Veşnic, veşnic, veşnic...

Singur, singur, singur,Vreme de beţie -I-auzi cum mai plouă,Ce melancolie!Singur, singur, singur...


Lonely, lonely, lonely,In some inn, far away,Even the inkeep’s sleeping,All the streets are empty…Lonely, lonely…

Raining, raining, raining, raining,Feels like getting wasted,And just hear the desolation,What a melancholy!Raining, raining…

No one, no one, no one,That’s so much the better,And it’s so much time since,Of me, only knows about,No one, no one…

Trembling, trembling, trembling, trembling…Any taunt within this,I’ll just leave it for youNight is realy old, now,Trembling, trembling…

Ever, ever, ever, ever…Wanderings, from now on,Will not call upon me,Frost has fallen on dreams,Ever, ever…

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely...Feels like getting wastedListen to that raining,What a melancholy!Lonely, lonely…

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Rar by Nicu Alifantis. Or Rar poem lyrics. Nicu Alifantis Rar text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Rar meaning.