Aterciopelados "Rompecabezas" lyrics

Translation to:en


Y es que fueron, fueron tus abrazosque como sablazos me hicieron pedazosafiladas fueron tus miradasquedé destrozada y en llanto inundada.Roja y loca, la flama de tu bocame quemó, y apagarme me toca.

Empiezo una nueva vidaun rompecabezas que tendré que armar.Bien lejos, lejos de su influjoesa cruel fragancia que invadió mi ser.

De la maleza surgieron tus promesasgerminando tristeza en mi cabeza.Tu bajeza me tomó por sorpresa,para lastimar, tienes mucha destreza.Que delicia fueron tus cariciasmala noticia, eran pura malicia.

Ya no quiero ir hacia usted corriendo,ya no quiero más gritar su nombre.

Bien lejos, lejos de su influjoera casi muerte, que fue su querer.

Jigsaw puzzle

Is that they were, were your hugsthat like saber wounds shattered mesharp were your looksI was left torn apart and drowned in crying.Red and mad, the flame of your mouthit burned me, and it's my time to quench.

I begin a new lifea jigsaw puzzle I have to work onFar away, away from his influencethat cruel smell that invaded my being.

From the weeds came out your promisesgerminating sadness in my head.Your nasty deed took me by surprise,to hurt, you're very skilled.How delightful were your caressesbad news, they were pure malice.

I don't want to run towards to you anymore,I don't want to scream your name anymore.

Far away, away from his influencehis love was almost death.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Rompecabezas by Aterciopelados. Or Rompecabezas poem lyrics. Aterciopelados Rompecabezas text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Rompecabezas meaning.