Aterciopelados "Maligno" lyrics

Translation to:ento


Dentro, muy dentroComo un implanteIncrustado en mi interiorEn mi cerebroLoop implacableMi voluntad destruyó

Poquito a pocoTú te instalaste¿Eres huésped o invasor?

Tiñes mis días de fatal melancolíaEres el hacha que astilló toda mi vidaPremeditada y divina

Cruel y despiadadoMe has humilladoY sin embargo aquí estoyAunque me ultrajesAunque me usesSiempre a tu disposición

Se acabóHe llegado al límiteDe mi ciega devoción

Tiñes mis días de fatal melancolíaEres el hacha que astilló toda mi vidaPremeditada y divina

Quiero desintoxicarmeCortar esta dependenciaAntes que sea tarde

Tiñes mis días de fatal melancolíaEres el hacha que astilló toda mi vida


Inside, deep insideLike an implantEmbedded within meIn my brain,A relentless loopDestroyed my will

Little by littleYou installed yourselfAre you a guest or an invader?

You tint my days in fatal melancholyYou're the axe that splintered my entire lifePremeditated and divine

Cruel and merciless,You have humiliated meAnd yet here I amEven though you outrage meEven though you use meAlways at your disposal

It's overI've reached the limitOf my blind devotion

You tint my days in fatal melancholyYou're the axe that splintered my entire lifePremeditated and divine

I want to detoxify myselfCut (off) this dependenceBefore it's too late

You tint my days in fatal melancholyYou're the axe that splintered my entire life

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Maligno by Aterciopelados. Or Maligno poem lyrics. Aterciopelados Maligno text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Maligno meaning.