Valentin Elizalde "Vete ya" lyrics

Translation to:en

Vete ya

vete yasi no encuentras motivospara seguir conmigopara que continuares mejorterminar como amigosque ser como enemigosesperando atacar

vete si no sientesque mi boca te provocasensaciones cuandoronda por tus labiosvete si tu cuerpo no se excitacuando forma de cariciasque recorre con mis manos

nada justifica en esta vidasoportar con la mentirauna relacion si no hay amorvete ya , si no hay amor

vete yasi no encuentras motivospara seguir conmigopara que continuares mejorterminar como amigosque ser como enemigosesperando atacar

vete si no sientesque mi boca te provocasensaciones cuandoronda por tus labiosvete si tu cuerpo no se excitacuando forma de cariciasque recorre con mis manos

nada justifica en esta vidasoportar con la mentirauna relacion si no hay amorvete ya , si no hay amorvete ya , si no hay amor

Go away

Go awayif you can't find reasonsto stay with mewhy continueit's betterto end as friendsthan to be like enemieswaiting to attack

Go away if you don't feelthat my mouth incites in youfeelings whenit goes around your lipsgo away if your body doesn't get excitedwhen in the form of caressesI touch you again with my hands

nothing justifies in this lifetolerating a liea relationship if there is no lovego away, if there is no love

Go awayif you can't find reasonsto stay with mewhy continueit's betterto end as friendsthan to be like enemieswaiting to attack

Go away if you don't feelthat my mouth incites in youfeelings whenit goes around your lipsgo away if your body doesn't get excitedwhen in the form of caressesI touch you again with my hands

nothing justifies in this lifetolerating a liea relationship if there is no lovego away, if there is no lovego away, if there is no love

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Vete ya by Valentin Elizalde. Or Vete ya poem lyrics. Valentin Elizalde Vete ya text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Vete ya meaning.