Rainhard Fendrich "I Am From Austria" lyrics

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I Am From Austria

Dei hohe Zeit, is lang vorüber,und a die Höll host hinter dir,von Ruhm und Glanz ist wenig über,sog ma wer zieht noch den Hut vor dir,außer mir?I kenn die Leit, i kenn die Ratten,die Dummheit, die zum Himmel schreit,i steh zu dir, bei Licht und Schatten,jederzeit.

Da kann ma mochn wos ma wü,da bin i her, da ghör i hin,da schmilzt das Eis von meiner Sö,wie von am Gletscher im April,a wenn mas schon vergessen ham,i bin dei Apfel du mein Stamm,so wia dei Wasser talwärts rinnt,unwiderstehlich und so hell,fost wie die Tränen von am Kindwird auch mei Bluat auf einmal schnellsog i am End der Wöt voi Stolzund wenn ihr wollts a ganz allan,I am from Austria (2x)

Es worn die Störche oft zu beneiden,heit fliag i no vü weiter furt,i siech di meist nur von da Weitn,wer kann vastehn wia weh des manchmoi tuat

Da kann ma mochn wos ma wü...

I Am From Austria

You best time is already gone,and you havee left the hell behind youthere is nothing left of all the grace and glorytell me who is taking off his hat in front of youexcept me?I know the people, I know the ratsfoolishness, you alsmost can´t standI stand by you, in light and shadoweverytime

There is nothing left to say,that´s where I am from, that´s where I belongice is melting in my soulas from the glaces in apriland if we have already forgotten itI am you apple you are my trunk (provreb like: it´s in the blood)and as you water downhill runs/flowsirresistiable and bright/clearlike the tears of a childmy blodd starts running fasterfinally I tell the world full of proudI am from Austria

I used to be jeaulous of the storksbut today I am flying much furthermost of the times I can only see you from farwho can understand how much this hurts

There is nothing left to sayI am from Austria

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song I Am From Austria by Rainhard Fendrich. Or I Am From Austria poem lyrics. Rainhard Fendrich I Am From Austria text in English. This page also contains a translation, and I Am From Austria meaning.