Tom Zé "Me Dá, Me Dê, Me Diz" lyrics

Translation to:en

Me Dá, Me Dê, Me Diz

Ô, menina pinta lainhá, iê,Biriti-guiri me dáBiriti-guiri me dêBiriti-guiri me dizBiguidiz me diga logo tudoSerá serê serô se dizSerei teu parSerá serê serô se dizSerei teu parBeco bico de batom eh rê!Peça pinta pusserê, oh!Riso piso bisco liso oh!Brinco rindo tiritingo oh!Colorido verde-brancoVerde-branco coloridoÔ, me penduraNa corrente rente rente

Give me, Give me, Say to me

Ô, girl paints lainhá, iêBiriti-guiri give meBiriti-guiri give meBiriti-guiri give say to meBiriguidiz say me everything soonSerá serê serô it's saidI will be your pairSerá serê serô it's saidI will be your pairAlley, top of lipstick eh rê!Piece, paints pusserê, oh!Smile, floor, bisco, smooth oh!Earring, laghing, tiritingo oh!Colorful green-whiteGreen-white colorfulÔ, hang meOn the chain, ain ain

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Me Dá, Me Dê, Me Diz by Tom Zé. Or Me Dá, Me Dê, Me Diz poem lyrics. Tom Zé Me Dá, Me Dê, Me Diz text in English. Also can be known by title Me Da Me De Me Diz (Tom Ze) text. This page also contains a translation, and Me Da Me De Me Diz meaning.