Tom Zé "Jeitinho Dela" lyrics

Translation to:en

Jeitinho Dela

A revista provouo jornal confirmoupela fotografia,que nos olhos delatem sol nascendo.Mas não se explica,nem se justificapor que naquele dengodo sorriso delaa cidadeacabou se perdendo.

No jeitinho delabotei o passono compasso delacaí no laçono abraço delame desencaminheino caminho delame desajeitei.

No jeitinho dela, no jeitinhono jeitinho dela, no jeitinho.

Que ferve panelaquando falta gásmas quanta gente boajá trocou sua paz...

Pelo jeitinho dela,um cientistano jeitinho deladisse na tevêque o jeitinho delatem um micróbiono jeitinho delaque faz miolo derreter.

No jeitinho delano jeitinho dela

Geladeira já teve febrepenicilina teve bronquiteMelhoral teve dor de cabeçae quem quiser que acredite

No jeitinho delavou me perderno jeitinho dela

Her way (to be)

The magazine testedthe newspaper approvedby her photosthat in her eyesthere's a rising sunBut no one can explainor justifywhy in her smile's ....the citygot lost

'cause of her wayI moved onin her beatI fell in lovein her hugI misguidedin her wayI disarranged

'cause of her way, in her way'cause of her way, in her way

What does in the pot boilwhen there's no gasbut how much good peoplealready broke her peace

Cause of her waya scientistin her waysaid at tvthat her waygot a microbein her waythat makes the brain melt

In her wayin her way

The fridge already got feaverpenicilin got bronchitis"Melhoral" got headacheand who wants to believe, do it

I will get lostin her way (to be)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Jeitinho Dela by Tom Zé. Or Jeitinho Dela poem lyrics. Tom Zé Jeitinho Dela text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Jeitinho Dela meaning.