Tom Zé "Parque Industrial" lyrics

Translation to:en

Parque Industrial

Retocai o céu de anilBandeirolas no cordãoGrande festa em toda a nação.Despertai com oraçõesO avanço industrialVem trazer nossa redenção.

Tem garota-propagandaAeromoça e ternura no cartaz,Basta olhar na parede,Minha alegriaNum instante se refaz

Pois temos o sorriso engarrafadoJá vem pronto e tabeladoÉ somente requentarE usar,É somente requentarE usar,Porque é made, made, made, made in Brazil.Porque é made, made, made, made in Brazil.

Retocai o céu de anil, ... ... ...

A revista moralistaTraz uma lista dos pecados da vedeteE tem jornal popular queNunca se espremePorque pode derramar.

É um banco de sangue encadernadoJá vem pronto e tabelado,É somente folhear e usar,É somente folhear e usar.

Industrial park

Retouch the sky with anilPennants in cordBig party at the entire nation.Awakens with prayersThe industrial progressComes bringing our redemption.

There is an ad model,Flight attendant and tenderness at the poster,I just need to look at it in the wall,My happinessInstantly remade.

Cause we have the bottled smileIt comes ready for use and with price,Just need to reheatAnd use,Just need to reheatAnd use,Because it's made, made, made in Brazil.Because it's made, made, made in Brazil.

Retouch the sky with anil, ...

The moralist magazineBrings a list with the sins of the starletAnd there is some popular newspapers thatNever squeezes itself,Because it may spill.

It's a bounded blood bankThat comes ready for use and with price,Just need to flip through and useJust need to flip through and use

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Parque Industrial by Tom Zé. Or Parque Industrial poem lyrics. Tom Zé Parque Industrial text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Parque Industrial meaning.