Sacha Distel "Monsieur Cannibale" lyrics

Translation to:en

Monsieur Cannibale

En le voyant sortir de son camionChasser les papillons d'AfriqueLes cannibales en le traitant d'espionL'arrêtèrent sans façon de suiteIl essaya de leur parler AnglaisEspagnol, Portugais, ChinoisMais en voyant leurs mâchoiresQui s'ouvraientIl se mit à hurler d'effroi

[Refrain:]Oh, Monsieur cannibale,Je n'veux pas mourirMonsieur cannibaleLaissez-moi partir

Il leur montra son briquet, son styloSa montre et les photos d'sa femmeIl leur chanta un grand air de GounodDes chansons d'Adamo, que dalle!Il leur fit voir des journaux de ParisPersonne ne réagit, non plusDésespéré il sortit des revuesRemplies de filles toutes nues, et dit:


Quand le grand chef aperçut ces revuesQu'il vit toutes ces filles nues, il rit!Mais dans sa tête une idée saugrenueUne idée farfelue surgitDans une case où était son haremIl entraîna lui-même le garsQui en voyant les femmes se ruer sur luiAvec tant d'appétit, hurla:


Pendant huit jours, il resta enferméEt dut se partager, en vainEt comme déjà il n'était pas bien grosIl perdit vingt kilos, au moinsQuand arriva l'instant où le grand chefLui fit comprendre par geste, Allez!Prends ton camion et retourne chez toiLe pauvre homme s'écria : Jamais!

Monsieur cannibaleje n'veux plus partirMonsieur cannibalej'aime mieux mourir!

Mister Cannibal

Upon seeing him get out of his truckchasing african butterfliesthe cannibals treated him as a spythey apprehended him right away without a fussHe tried to talk to them in EnglishSpanish, Portuguese, Chinesebut upon seeing their jawswhich were openinghe begun to scream in terror:

[Chorus:]Oh mister cannibalI don't want to diemister canniballet me go

He showed them his lighter, his penhis watch and his wife's photoshe sang to them one of Gounod's great ariaseven Adamo's songs, to no avail!He showed them newspapers from Parisnobody was reacting, eitherDespaired he took out magazinesfilled with butt-naked girls and said:


When the great chief went through these magswhere he saw all these nude girls, he laughed!But in his mind an absurd ideaa crazy idea pops upHe dragged himself the guyto a place where was his haremwho upon seeing the women rushing on himwith so much appetite, he screamed:


For eight days, he remained locked upand he had to share himself, in vainand as he wasn't that big to begin withhe lost forty pounds, at leastWhen the time came when the great chiefgave him to understand by signs, "Gotake your truck and go home!"The poor man cried: Never!

Mister cannibalI don't want to leavemister cannibalI would rather die

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Monsieur Cannibale by Sacha Distel. Or Monsieur Cannibale poem lyrics. Sacha Distel Monsieur Cannibale text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Monsieur Cannibale meaning.