Rade Lacković "nedostupna" lyrics

Translation to:en


Ostavite svoju poruku

Kada nesto od niceg napravisi kad postane sve opet pepeoistina do kosti zabolishvatis kol'ko si je voleoistina do kosti zabolishvatis kol'ko si izgubio

Ref. 4xKako zive ostavljeni, koga zanimanedostupna ona je za mene danimaposle zvucnog signala i sada cujem njuostavite svoju poruku


Leave your message

When you make something out of nothingand when everything turns back to ashesthe truth hurts till the bonesyou begin to understand how much you have loved herthe truth hurts till the bonesyou begin to understand what you have lost

Ref. 4xNo one cares how the abandoneds liveshe's unavailable for daysafter the tone now I also I hear her (saying)leave your message

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song nedostupna by Rade Lacković. Or nedostupna poem lyrics. Rade Lacković nedostupna text in English. This page also contains a translation, and nedostupna meaning.