Rade Lacković "Sexy Seka" lyrics

Translation to:en

Sexy Seka

Vidi, kakve ambalaze,nema sta da joj se kaze,takve ti se uvek trazei za dobre ribe vaze

Visoka i iskvarcana, kosa duga,ispeglana, pola grada ona pali,jer joj nista bas ne fali

Ona premija je prava, zgodna riba,boli glava, dugi nokti, kosa plava,nasminkana i kad spava

Mirisna i doterana,garderoba markirana,muskih zelja ispunjenje,formula za uzbudjenje

Ref. 2xEj, kraljice, iz moje ulice,dodji nocas, moja curice,bice puna diskotekakada udje sexy seka

Sexy Seka

Look that packaging (it means on girl)there is nothing to said hersuch like her are always look forand apply for good chik

High and with hair longdry, half the city is fall in love in herbecause it's nothing wrong about her

It is a real bonus, a nice chik,head pain, long nails, hair bluewith make up while sleeping

Fragrant and well-groomedWardrobe markedmale wish fulfillmentand the formula for excitement

Ref. 2xHey Queen, from my streetcome tonight, my girlit will be full discowhen sexy seka gets in

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Sexy Seka by Rade Lacković. Or Sexy Seka poem lyrics. Rade Lacković Sexy Seka text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Sexy Seka meaning.