John Newton "Let us love and sing and wonder" lyrics

Translation to:zh

Let us love and sing and wonder

1. Let us love and sing and wonderLet us praise the Savior’s nameHe has hushed the law’s loud thunderHe has quenched Mount Sinai’s flameHe has washed us with His bloodHe has washed us with His bloodHe has washed us with His bloodHe has brought us nigh to God

2. Let us love the Lord Who bought usPitied us when enemiesCalled us by His grace and taught usGave us ears and gave us eyesHe has washed us with His bloodHe has washed us with His bloodHe has washed us with His bloodHe presents our souls to God

3. Let us sing though fierce temptationThreatens hard to bear us downFor the Lord, our strong salvation,Holds in view the conqu’ror’s crownHe, Who washed us with His blood,He, Who washed us with His blood,He, Who washed us with His blood,Soon will bring us home to God

4. Let us wonder grace and justiceJoin and point to mercy’s storeWhen through grace in Christ our trust isJustice smiles and asks no moreHe Who washed us with His bloodHe Who washed us with His bloodHe Who washed us with His bloodHas secured our way to God

5. Let us praise and join the chorusOf the saints enthroned on highHere they trusted Him before usNow their praises fill the skyThou hast washed us with Thy bloodThou hast washed us with Thy bloodThou hast washed us with Thy bloodThou art worthy Lamb of God



2. 让我们热爱赐予我们生命的主当我们遇到困境时,他怜悯我们他广布恩泽,不吝教导赐予我们双耳,赋予我们双眼是他用鲜血洗礼我们是他用鲜血洗礼我们是他用鲜血洗礼我们是他带领我们的灵魂走向上帝

3. 让我们歌唱吧!虽然当前极具诱惑,但恐吓难以将我们击败。君王,我们强而有力的保障,拥有胜利者的王冠。是他用鲜血洗礼我们,是他用鲜血洗礼我们,是他用鲜血洗礼我们,不久便能将我们带到上帝面前。


5. 让我们歌颂并一同合唱。那些高贵地位的圣人。这里,他们比我先相信他。现在,他们的赞美扑满了天空。是他用鲜血洗礼我们,是他用鲜血洗礼我们,是他用鲜血洗礼我们,惟你是主,神的羔羊!

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Let us love and sing and wonder by John Newton. Or Let us love and sing and wonder poem lyrics. John Newton Let us love and sing and wonder text.