Tazenda "S'Urtima Luche" lyrics

Translation to:enpl

S'Urtima Luche

Sétzida, a Deus preghende,Su chelu e’ màrmaru abbaidende,Jaja fortzis l’at cumpresu:S’urtimu viazu no est atesu;Chi facher tzertu lu depiatDae meda ja l’ischiat.

Sa mariposa chene prus alasSi lassat totu sa vida a palas ;Paris cun issa, casi pranghende,Totu unu mundu s’ind’est andende.E sutta a custu chelu ‘e nieB’at zente chi non rietB’at zente chi non riet

S’ùrtima luche de sa dieS’est istudendeS’ùrtima luche de sa dieNos est lassendeE sutta a custu chelu ‘e nieB’at zente chi non riet

Sos betzos nostros an a cumoneSa soledade ‘e unu sirbone,Sa cara franca de unu manzanu,S’ànima durche ‘e su beranuE in coro unu disizu ebbìa:Torrare a pitzinnìaTorrare a pitzinnìa

S’ùrtima luche de sa dieS’est istudendeS’ùrtima luche de sa dieNos est lassendeE sutta a custu chelu ‘e nieB’at zente chi non rietB’at zente chi non riet

The Last Light

Being seated, praying to God,Watching a marble sky,Perhaps grandma realized:Her last journey is not far;She has known for a long timeThat she has to make it for sure.

The butterfly with no more wingsLeaves her whole life behind her;And with her, almost crying,A whole world is leaving.And under this snowy skySomeone can’t laughSomeone can’t laugh.

The last light of the dayIs fadingThe last light of the dayIs leaving usAnd under this snowy skySomeone can’t laugh.

Our elders have in commonThe solitude of a wild boar,The frank face of a morning,The sweet soul of the spring,And only a wish in their heart:To return to childhoodTo return to childhood

The last light of the dayIs fadingThe last light of the dayIs leaving usAnd under this snowy skySomeone can’t laugh.Someone can’t laugh.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song S'Urtima Luche by Tazenda. Or S'Urtima Luche poem lyrics. Tazenda S'Urtima Luche text in English. Also can be known by title SUrtima Luche (Tazenda) text. This page also contains a translation, and SUrtima Luche meaning.