Tazenda "A passu lentu" lyrics

Translation to:enes

A passu lentu

S’inde birgonzet su munduCh’est arribadu a su funduS’inde birgonzet su soleDe custa die chi nos dolet

Azudet su perdonu chie si ponet in logu ‘e DeusAzudet su perdonu chie si ponet in logu ’e Deus

Su cundannadu a sa mudaL’ischit chi nemos l’azudatChe li an furadu sa sorteJuttu che l’an a sa morte

In fora meda zente est istentende a si’ch’andareIn fora meda zente est istentende a si’ch’andare

Caminende a passu lentu e abbochinende goi:“Sos mortores, o zuiches, sezis bois!”Caminende a passu lentu e abbochinende goi:“Sos mortores, o zuiches, sezis bois!”

S’inde birgonzet sa lunaBessat niedda che prunaE niedda jugat sa corteChe i'sa giustissia sa morte

Azudet su perdonu chie si ponet in logu ‘e DeusAzudet su perdonu chie si ponet in logu ’e Deus

Caminende a passu lentu e abbochinende goi:“Sos mortores, o zuiches, sezis bois!”Caminende a passu lentu e abbochinende goi:“Sos mortores, o zuiches, sezis bois!”(bois! bois! bois!)

Su tres ‘e maju a s’impuddile l’an mortu che vitellu(bois! bois!)Su tres ‘e maju a s’impuddile un’ispera a su masellu(bois! bois!)Su tres ‘e maju a s’impuddile fit frochende a froca lada(bois! bois!)Su tres ‘e maju a s’impuddile sa giustissia est acabada(bois! bois!)

Caminende a passu lentu e…

Walking Slowly

Be the world ashamedIt reached the bottomBe the sun ashamedOf this day that hurts us

May forgiveness help he who puts himself in the place of GodMay forgiveness help he who puts himself in the place of God

The convicted, in silenceKnows that nobody helps himThey have stolen his destinyThey took him to the death

Outside, many people are delaying to leaveOutside, many people are delaying to leave

Walking slowly and shouting so:“The killers are you, judges!”Walking slowly and shouting so:“The killers are you, judges!”

Be the moon ashamedMay it rise as black as a plumAnd black be its haloJust like justice dressed in death

May forgiveness help he who puts himself in the place of GodMay forgiveness help he who puts himself in the place of God

Walking slowly and shouting so:“The killers are you, judges!”Walking slowly and shouting so:“The killers are you, judges!”(you! you! you!)

On 3 May, at dawn, they slew him like a calf(you! you!)On 3 May, at dawn, a hope to the butchery(you! you!)On 3 May, at dawn, large snowflakes were falling(you! you!)On 3 May, at dawn, the justice is gone(you! you!)

Walking slowly and…

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song A passu lentu by Tazenda. Or A passu lentu poem lyrics. Tazenda A passu lentu text in English. This page also contains a translation, and A passu lentu meaning.