The Story
Qulaq asın camaat men danışım nehayetlisten, folks, my turn to talk
Bu mehebbet alemi çoxusuna vermiş qemithis love thing made many sad
Men de ezab çekmişem, çox istirap çekmişemi too suffered much, i endured much pain
Kim gelibdi xoşuma, ne iş gelib başımaanytime i loved someone something bad happened to me
Yaş dola dola gözlere danışmışam sizleremy eyes full of tears, i'm telling you
O vefasızdan sonra, düşmemek üçün toraafter that unfaithful, in order not to suffer again
Sevmeyecem söyledim, tenha ömür eyledimi said "i will not love", i chose a solitary life
Keçdi xeyli zamanlar, ötdü bir neçe anlarmuch time passed, many a moment passed
Bir qız gördü gözlerim, yaddan çıxdı sözlerimmy eyes saw a girl, my words went out of my mind (ie, i forgot my decision)
Bu qız ecebdir eceb, sev meni eliyir telebthis girl is very unusual as if she wants to be loved
Dedim çatar kömeyime, tesellidir üreyimei said she might help me, she might console my heart
Düşdüm onun dalınca ondan bir söz alıncai went after her after she had started to talk
Lap üreyim patladı, sanki bağrım çatladımy heart exploded, my chest was about to crack
Her o derse gedende getdim onunla men dei went with her every time he went to school
Çox eyledim and aman, axırıki bir zamanah, i insisted much, then at last
Çıxardıb ince sesin söyledi öz kelmesinshe talked with her high-pitched voice and told her words
Baxma menim yaşıma, çox iş gelib başımadon't let my age fool you, i suffered much
Xeyli ömür sürmüşem, çox haksızlık görmüşemi lived long enough, i've seen much injustice
İndiyse bir insana, tanımadığım oğlanaand now, a man, a boy that i don't know
Nece sevirem söyleyim, men etibar eyliyimhow can i say "i love you," how can i trust?
Özün fikirleşginen, meni başa düşginenthink about it, understand me
Söyledi öz sözlerin süzdürerek gözlerinshe said her words with staring eyes
Dedi bu qeder vesselam, yoluna eyledi devamshe said "that's all" and went on her way
Donub yerimde qaldım, biraz xeyale daldımi stood frozen, i was lost in thought for a while
Düşündüm ki düz deyir, çox ağıllı söz deyiri thought that she makes it plain, she talks wisely
Daha dalınca getmiyim, çox onu incitmiyimi shouldn't went after her any more, i shouldn't hurt her further
Haçansa öz qısmetim, heqiqi mehebbetimif she is my chance (of marriage), my real love
Çıxar menim qabağıma, cevab verer sorağımashe'll meet me and accept my offer
Ondan sonra her gece bilmirdim yatım neceafter that i didn't know how to sleep every night (ie, i couldn't sleep)
O cananın xeyalı, onun hüsnü cemalıthe imagination of that lovely, her beauty, her elegance
Gözümdeydi her saat, meni qoymurdu rahatshe was always before my eyes, that wouldn't leave me in peace
Dözmüyüb bir gün seher durub ayağa bir teheri couldn't bear someday anymore and stood up in a morning (couldn't find teher)
Görüşüne getdim gene deyim vurgunam senei went to see her again to say "i fell deep in your love"
Gördüm gelir uzaqdan, getdim elden ayaqdanas i saw her coming from a distance, my hands and feet froze
Az qalmış idi çaşım, istedim yaxınlaşımwhen i calmed down a little, i wanted to get closer
Yaxınlaşdı özü mene, dedi bele bir sözü meneshe came closer to me and said these words:
Görürem ki vurulmusan, özünü eşqe salmısani see that you're deep in love, you gave yourself completely in love
El çekmirsen sen menden, şertim bu cürdü sennennow that you won't let me go, i have one condition
Yalnız dost olaq gerek bele edebilirem kömekwe can only be friends, i can only help you this way
İstiyirsen he dene, düşün qarar verginenif you like it this way, think and decide
İstemirsen elvida, get kömek olsun xudaif not, goodbye, go may god help you
Ax ney idi elacım, var idi ehtiyacımah, what was my medicine, i was in need
Xeyli xeyal dolaştım, axırda razılaşdımi long thought, at last i consented
Bu dostluq mehribanlıq meni deyişdi bir anlıqthis friendship, this sincerity changed me for a moment
Sonralar heyatımı, qamli ehvalatımiafterwards my life and my sad stories
Danışdım o canana, o da danışdı yana yanai talked with that sweetheart, she too spoke to me sadly
Dedi sevgi mehebbet vermiyib mene zilletshe said love and affection didn't humiliate me
Sevib sevilmedim men, eşq nedir bilmedim meni didn't love, i wasn't loved, i didn't know what love was
Amma bexti qareyem senden de biçareyembut i'm unfortunate, more wretched than you
Soruştum derdin nedi. Bu cür cavab söyledii asked what troubles you? she replied like this
And verirem men sene varsa hörmetin menepromise me if you respect me
Menden heç ne soruşma, daha bu haqda danışmayou'll never ask me anything, you'll never talk about this matter
Son qoyaq bu sohbete salma meni zahmetelet's put an end to this talk, don't give me trouble
Bu sözleri eşitdim, men ele bu cürde etdimi heard these words, ...
Bu barede bir dene sual vermedim genei never asked a question on this matter again
Her gece zengleşirdik darıxdıq görüşürdükwe phoned every night, when we were bored we chatted
Lezzetini heyatın, bu fani kainatınthe pleasure of life, of this transient world
Hissedirdik görürdük, güzel ömür sürürdükwe felt and saw, we lived a good life
Geldi ele bir meğam deyişdi her şey tamamthen a moment came and changed everything entirely
Bir zaman axşam çağı, üreyime çekdim dağıit was an evening time, i pulled a mountain on my heart
Gördüm her şeyin sonu. Zengi geldi telefonuni saw the end of everything. the phone ringed
Düşündüm cananımdı, hemen gözel xanımdıi thought it was my sweetheart, it was that beautiful lady
Desteyi tez götürdüm, birden özümü itirdimi lifted the receiver at once, and immediately lost myself
Ses özgenin sesiydi, onun refiqesiydiit was someone else's voice, it was her friend's
Görün neler danışdı, yandı qelbim alışdıhear what she told me, my heart caught fire
O sen seven cananın derd bürümüşdü canınthat sweetheart that loves you was sick all over
Xeste idi üregi, heç yox idi kömegishe had a heart disease, and she couldn't be helped
Hekim qoyduğu müddet dünen bitirdi elbetyesterday was her last day as the doctor predicted
Gece yatıbdır seher ayılmıyıb müxteserlast night she went to bed, didn't get up in the morning (couldn't find müxteser)
Ama seni çox sevirdi, öleceğini de bilirdibut she loved you much, and she knew she'd die
Apardı onu ecel. Seni seven o gözeldeath took her away. the beauty that loves you
Artıq yoxdur heyatda saxla sen bunu yaddais no longer alive, keep her memory
Evvelce inanmadım onu doğru sanmadımat first i didn't believe her, i didn't accept it true
Sonra ise söyledi sabah onun defnidithen she said: she'll be buried in the morning
Eger gelmek istersen, düzünü bilmek istersenif you wish to come, if you wish to know the place
Sabah iki tamamda men diyem bu meqamda2 o'clock in the morning, at such and such place (possibly, afternoon)
Gelersen bu ünvana, ordaki qabristanaif you come to this address, to the cemetery there
Sevgilin ağ kefen ile köçecek son menzileyour love will migrate to the last residence in a white shroud
Geceni yata bilmedim, ax niye men ölmedimthat night i couldn't sleep, ah, why didn't i die?
O öldü getdi Allah gözümden itti Allahlord, she died and is gone, lord, she's no longer in my sight
Seher açılan zamanda, o qız diyen mekandawhen morning broke, to the place where the girl directed
Aciz aciz dayandım, gördüm sonra inandımi went powerlessly, i saw then i believed
Camaat ağlaşırdı, adamın ağlı çaşırdıpeople were crying, i was about to loose my mind
Defin merasimiydi, Qebre geden kim idiit was a burial ceremony, who was going into the grave?
Menim ömrüm heyatım, canım maneviyyatımmy lifetime, my life, my soul, my morale
Getdi meni de apardı ele ki defin qutardıshe went and carried me away so that the burial ...
Dağılıştı, getdi hamı, o insan izdihamıthat crowd of people scattered, all are gone
Tenha qaldım o yerde, derd de qem de keder dei was alone there, in pain, suffering, aching
Qabrin üste diz çöküb qanlı gözyaşı tökübi knelt on the grave shedding tears of blood
Vidalaşdım yarımla, gözel vefadarımlai said goodbye to my love, my loyal beauty
Ölüm amansız oldu, vaxtsız zamansız olduher death was merciless, untimely, out of time
Elimden seni aldı, o günler harda qaldı(death) took you from my hand, where are those days now?
Her an şadüman idi ecep mehriban idikshe was happy all the time, we were strange lovers
Bir vaxt elimden tutan, indiyse sakit yatanwho held my hand once now lays silently
Ey gözelim elvida, yoxdu senden ses sedagoodbye, my beauty, no sound from you anymore
Her kime olsa aşiq biçaredir bu namıqwhoever he loves, wretched is this namiq
Alın yazısı ne cürdü, yaşadı bir az da gördüwhat kind of a fate is his? he lived and experienced some
Artır ürekde yaraaaaaaaaaaamnow a wound in heart
Bu da menim bir maceramand this was my story