Verjnuarmu "Kallavesj" lyrics

Translation to:en


Kallavesj, Kallavesj, järviij järvi, siinä pesjäet mun paetanj monta kertoo, isä särillep pitj mertoo,veljmies salloo tuulastelj, tiirustelj, riijustelj.

Kallavesj, Kallavesj, kallis kaeslarantonesj!Siellä päevät puikkelehtii, siellä kuikat, laevat tehtiipurjehtimmaa mualimaa, avaraa, merriin taa.

Kallavesj, Kallavesj, suarinesj ja salaminesj!Tokko suanen koskaa ennee kierteep Puijonsarven nennee,missä laevat huuteloo: Kuopijoo, Kuopijoo!


Kallavesi, Kallavesi, the lake of the lakes, there my motherwashed my shirts many times, father trapped roaches,brother, in secret, fished1, peered at women, wooed them

Kallavesi, Kallavesi, you are dear with your reed shores!There loons2swim all day long, there ships were madeto sail around the wide world, beyond the seas

Kallavesi, Kallavesi, with your islands and straits!I doubt I'll ever get to go around Puijonsarvi's spit3again,where the ships shout: Kuopio, Kuopio!4

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Kallavesj by Verjnuarmu. Or Kallavesj poem lyrics. Verjnuarmu Kallavesj text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Kallavesj meaning.