Belle & Sebastian "Nobody's empire" lyrics

Translation to:caes

Nobody's empire

Lying on my bed I was reading frenchWith the light too bright for my sensesFrom this hiding place, life was way too muchIt was loud and rough round the edgesSo I faced the wall when an old man calledOut of dreams that I would die thereBut a sight unseen, you were pulling stringsAnd you had a different idea

I was like a child, I was light as strawWhen my father lifted me up thereTook me to a place where they checked my bodyMy soul was floating in thin airI clung to the bed, and I clung to the pastAnd I clung to the welcome darknessBut at the end of the nightThere's a green green lightIt's the quiet before the madnessThere was a girl that sang like the chime of a bellShe put out her arm and she touched me when I was in hell, when I was i hell

Someone sang a song and I sang alongCause I knew the words from my childhoodIntellect, ambition they fell awayThey locked me up for my own goodBut I didn't mind cause the silence was kind

And you spoke to me in whispersThere was the sound of the wind in the cold cold dawnAnd the quiet hum of businessLet me dangle a while in this waiting roomI don't need to go I don't need to know what you're doing, what you're doing

Lying on my side you were half awake and your face was tired and crumpledIf I had a camera I'd snap you now cause there's beauty in every stumbleWe are out of practise we're out of sightOn the edge of nobody's empire

If we live by books and we live by hopeDoes that make us targets for gunfire?

Now I look at you you're a mother of twoYou're a quiet revolutionMarching with the crowd singing dirty and loudFor the people's emancipationDid I do ok, did I pave the wayWas I strong when you were wantingI was tied to the yoke with a decent blokeWho was stern but never dauntingAnd he told me to push and he made me feel wellAnd he told me to leave that vision of hell to the dying

L'imperi de ningú

Jeient al meu llit llegia en francès,amb la llum massa intensa per als meus sentits.Des d'aquest amagatall la vida era massa,tenia vores tosques i estridents.Així que mirava a la paret quan un vell em va cridarenmig de somnis que moriria allà.Però des d'algun punt inadvertit tu movies els fils,i tenies una idea molt diferent.

Jo era com un nen, era lleuger com la pallaquan el meu pare em va portar allà dalt.Em va portar a un lloc on em van estudiar el cos,la meva ànima flotava en aire fi.Em vaig aferrar al llit, em vaig aferrar al passatem vaig aferrar a una foscor benvinguda.Però al final de la nithi ha una llum ben verda,la calma abans de la bogeriaHi havia una noia que cantava com el repic d'una campana,va acostar el braç i va tocar-me quan jo era a l'infern,quan era a l'infern

Algú va cantar una cançó i jo vaig unir-m'hiperquè em sabia la lletra de la meva infantesaL'intel·lecte i l'ambició es van esvaniri em van tancar pel meu propi bé,però no em va importar perquè el silenci era agradablei tu em parlaves xiuxiuejant.Hi havia el so del vent a la freda, freda albadai el tranquil bullici del negoci.Deixa'm vagar una estona a la sala d'esperaNo necessito anar-me'n, ni tampoc saber què esteu fent,saber què esteu fent.

Jeient al meu costat, estaves mig desperta, feies una cara llarga, cansada.Si tingués una càmera et retrataria ara, perquè hi ha bellesa en cada ensopec.Hem perdut la pràctica, hem perdut la vista,a la frontera de l'imperi de ningú.

Si vivim segons els llibres, i vivim d'esperança,ens converteix això en dianes d'un tiroteig?

I ara et miro, ets mare de dos nens,ets una revolució calmadaCaminant entre la multitud cridant alt i brutper l'emancipació dels pobles.Vaig fer-ho bé, vaig obrir camí ?Vaig ser fort quan et calia?Estava lligat al jou amb un paio decentque era sever però mai descoratjadorI em va dir que empenyés, i em va fer sentir béI em va dir que deixés aquella visió de l'infern per als qui s'estan morint.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Nobody's empire by Belle & Sebastian. Or Nobody's empire poem lyrics. Belle & Sebastian Nobody's empire text. Also can be known by title Nobodys empire (Belle Sebastian) text.