Dream Theater "6:00" lyrics

Translation to:hrsrtr


"Six o'clock on a Christmas morning...""And for what?""Well, isn't it for the honor of God,Aunt Kate?""I know all about the honor of God,Mary Jane."

Six o'clock the siren kicks him from a dreamTries to shake it off but it just won't stopCan't find the strength but he's got promises to keepAnd wood to chop before he sleeps

I may never get overbut never's better than nowI've got bases to cover

He's in the parking lot and he's just sitting in his carIt's nine o'clock but he can't get outHe lights a cigaretteand turns the music downbut just can't seem to shake that sound

Once I thought I'd get overbut it's too late for me nowI've got bases to cover

Melody walks through the doorand memory flies out the windowand nobody knows what they want'til they finally let it all go

The pain insidecoming outside

So many ways to drown a manSo many ways to drag him downSome are fast and some take years and yearsCan't hear what he's saying when he's talking in his sleepHe finally found the sound but he's in too deep

I could never get overIs it too late for me now?Feel like blowing my cover

Melody walks through the doorand memory flies out the windowand nobody knows what they want'til they finally let it all go

But don't cut your losses too soon'cause you'll only be cutting your throatAnd answer a call while you still hear at all'cause nobody will if you won't

"Six o'clock on a Christmas morning...""I know all about the honor of God,Mary...""I know all about the honor of God,Mary Jane."


"Šest sati u božićno jutro..""A za što?""Pa zar nije na slavu božju,tet Kate?""Znam sve o slavi božjoj,Mary Jane."

Šest sati sirena ga izbaci iz snaPokušava je se otresti, ali jednostavno neće statiNe može smoći snagu, ali ima obećanja za održatiI drva za nacijepati prije nego zaspe

Možda nikad neću prijeći preko togaAli nikad nije bolje nego sadImam temelje za pokriti

On je na parkiralištu i samo sjedi u svom autuDevet je sati, ali ne može izaćiZapali cigaretuI stiša glazbuAli čini se da se ne može otresti tog zvuka

Jednom sam mislio da ću prijeći preko togaAli prekasno je za mene sadaImam temelje za pokriti

Melodija ušeta kroz vrataA sjećanje izleti kroz prozorI nitko ne zna što želiDok konačno ne puste sve

Bol iznutraIzlazi van

Toliko je načina za utopiti čovjekaToliko načiina za vući ga po tluNeki su brzi, a nekima trebaju godine i godineNe mogu čuti što govori kad priča u snuKonačno je pronašao zvuk, ali već je otišao preduboko

Nikad ne bih mogao prijeći preko togaJe li prekasno za mene sada?Osjećam kao da otkrivam svoj tajni identitet

Melodija ušeta kroz vrataA sjećanje izleti kroz prozorI nitko ne zna što želiDok konačno ne puste sve

Ali ne smanjuj gubitke preranoJer ćeš si samo prerezati grkljanOdogvori na poziv dok još uopće možeš čutiJer nitko neće ako ti ne budeš

"Šest sati u božićno jutro..""Znam sve o slavi božjoj,Mary...""Znam sve o slavi božjoj,Mary Jane."

Here one can find the lyrics of the song 6:00 by Dream Theater. Or 6:00 poem lyrics. Dream Theater 6:00 text. Also can be known by title 600 (Dream Theater) text.