Alex Turner "A Choice of Three" lyrics

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A Choice of Three

In the tunnel I noticed I had a choice of three. While I thought it very kind of them to offer me this, I do wonder if they realized what a dilemma they were sending to face me.The trouble was, if I looked at your reflection in the left window I missed the actual image of you and your reflection in the right. And if I looked in the right I had the same problem but the other way around.At first I thought I should probably settle on one of the mirrors as they were soon to disappear, but that idea quickly wilted, and my attention was drawn back to the center, occasionally checking on either side.I must say I did question the authenticity of your nap a few minutes before. As the train left Loughborough I suspected it could've been a device to avoid conversation. I'd barely considered this for a moment, however, when a heavy breath and a gulping sound that I decided would be too embarrassing to fake led me to conclude that your nap wasn't fraudulent.I found it difficult to concentrate on anything else as you slumped beneath your coat. Delighted that we'd waited until this hour to travel so the evening sun got its opportunity to skip across those sleeping cheeks, but unnerved by the prospect of being removed from the opposing chair to yours. I knew it was reserved but hoped that whoever had reserved it had fallen over.It looked as if today I'd be safe. The train wasn't too busy but I did take a moment to recall the time when I was less fortunate.I remmebered it with a chilling vivivity we were on the way to Brighton.I knew it was going to be his seat as soon as I saw him on the platform, unzipping, checking, zipping, and rechecking things. Something about his face suggested that he had for years had a mustache and had not long since removed it. He wasn't going to think twice about disposing of me, especially considering then he'd get the chance to sit with you.Though his hiking boot-march through the carriage was rather revolting, it wasn't this that made my hands tense up into sour claws of nausea. It was the way he said it."You're in my seat."No "excuse me," no polite uncertainty, just the rigid, hideous fact. The thud with which it landed expelled all my preparation. Before I remembered my plans to pretend to be asleep, deaf, French, or only sat there because someone else was in my seat, I was walking to find another vacancy.I ended up dwelling unhappily beside a girl with a boys bum. I knew that because she walked too far past when she returned to one of what I thought to be two empty seats when I sat myself there. I fidgeted until our reunion on the platform, where you brutally informed me "That man was really rather pleasant, actually."Today I thought I'd better make sure that couldn't happen again and I pulled the ticket from the top of my seat. It took a few attempts and the facade of hanging a jacket to finally complete. I was terribly cautious. There's a threat of punishment for such deeds by fine as far as I understand, but those shackles were at the back of my mind as I crushed the reservation in my hidden fist. Folding and squeezing as if it were that beast on the way to the seaside.Fortunately, there was no retribution. If anything the train got quieter as the journey continued.And so in the tunnel, unable to decide, my head flicked through this trilogy of angles, angel after angle, until we were out the other side.My frantic twitching no doubt caused the man at the adjacent table to narrow his eyes at the very least, I imagine.

Trostruki izbor

U tunelu sam primijetio da imam trostruki izbor. Dok sam promišljao, njihovu narav da mi to ponude, pitam se jesu li shvatili kakvu mi dilemu šalju da se suočim s njom.Problem je bio, ako sam gledao u tvoj odraz u lijevom prozoruPropustio bih stvarnu sliku tebe i tvoj odraz nadesno. A ako bih gledao nadesno, imao bih isti problem, ali s druge strane.U početku sam mislio da bih se vjerojatno trebao pomiriti s jednim ogledalom jer će ona uskoro nestati, ali ta je ideja uzmaknula, i moja se pažnja je privučena nazad prema centru, povremeno provjeravajući obje strane.Moram reći da sam propitivao autemtičnost tvoga drijemeža nekoliko minuta ranije. Dok je vlak napuštao Loughborough, sumnjao sam da bi to mogao biti način izbjegavanja razgovora. Kakogod, jedva sam to razmotrio na trenutak, kad su me teško disanje i zvuk gutanja za koje sam zaključio da bi bili presramotni da bi ih se odglumilo, naveli na zaključak da tvoj drijemež nije varka.Otkrio sam da mi se teško skoncentrirati na išta drugo dok si se ti sklupčala pod kaputom. Oduševljen što ćemo čekati ovaj sat do putovanja tako da je večernje sunce dobilo priliku skakutati preko tih uspavanih obraza, ali uznemiren izgledima da ću biti maknut sa sjedala nasuprot tvoga. Znao sam da je rezervirano, ali nadao sam se da je taj koji ga je rezervirao sjeo negdje drugdje.Izgledalo je kao da ću danas biti na sigurnom. U vlaku nije bilo previše gužva, ali uzao sam si trenutak da se prisjetim vremena kad sam imao manje sreće.Sjetio sam ga se s ledenom živošću, bili smo na putu za Brighton.Znao sam da će to biti njegovo sjedalo čim sam ga vidio na peronu kako otkopčava, provjerava, zakopčava, i opet provjerava stvari. Nešto s njegovim licem pokazivalo je da je godinama imao brkove i nije dugo otkako ih je obrijao. Nije htio dvaput promisliti prije nego me prebaci, pogotovo s obzirom da će time dobiti priliku sjediti s tobom.Mada je njego marš u gojzericama kroz vagon bio odvratan. nije to bio razlog što su moje ruke postale napete kao grčevite pandže mučnine. Bio je to način na koji je rekao."Na mome ste mjestu"Ne, "ispričajte me", bez pristojne nesigurnosti, samo stroga, ogavna činjenica. Tup udarac kojim je to stiglo istjerao je svoju moju pripremljenost. Prije nego sam se sjetio svojih planova da glumim da spavam, da sam gluh, Francuz, ili da sam samo sjeo tamo jer je netko drugi na mom sjedalu, hodao sam u potrazi za slobodnim mjestom.Završio sam nesretno čameći pored djevojke s dječačkim dupetom. Znao sam to jer je i ona jako brzo prošla kad se vraćala na jedno od ona dva mjesta za koje sam mislio da su prazna, dok sam i sam sjedao tamo. Vrpoljio sam se donašeg ponovnog sastanka na peronu, gdje si me brutalno obavijestila "Onaj čovjek je bio prilično ugodan, zapravo."Danas sam mislio da ću se radije osigurati da se to ne bi ponovilo i strgnuo sam oznaku s vrha svog sjedala. Trebalo je nekoliko pokušaja i fasada od obješene jakne da bi se to završilo. Bio sam užasno oprezan. Postojala je prijetnja kazne za takva djela u obliku novčane kazne koliko sam znao, ali ti mi okovi nisu bili prvi na pameti dok sam gužvao rezervaciju u svojoj skrivenoj šaci. Presavijao sam ju i stiskao kao da je to bila zvijer na putu prema obali.Srećom, nije bilo odmazde. Ako išta, vlak je postajao sve tiši kako se putovanje nastavljalo.I tako u tunelu, nesposobna odlučiti, glava mi se prebacivala kroz ovu trilogiju kuteva, kut za kutom, dok nismo izašli na drugu stranu.Moje luđačko trzanje bez sumnje je uzrokovalo da čovjek za susjednim stolom stisne oči u najmanju ruku, pretpostavljam.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song A Choice of Three by Alex Turner. Or A Choice of Three poem lyrics. Alex Turner A Choice of Three text.