Jay Sean "Tears in ocean" lyrics

Translation to:esro

Tears in ocean

"Tears In The Ocean"

You told me I don't love you, don't say thatPut no one above you, you know thatI know that I fucked up, one timeDon't right me off for life, it ain't rightHow many sorry's will it take?How much of me talking will set it straight?Don't even remember the girls nameYou're my forever and that won't change

You said you only ever wanted honestyI'm standing here tryin' to give you all of meDon't tell me that you're love is running cold for meWhen we both know that's not trueI dropped a tear in the oceanWhen they find it, that's when I'll stop loving youNow I'm lost in a sea of emotionForever blinded, falling deeper into the blueOooh, you'll never find my tears in the oceanOooh, they'll never find my tears

Who knows where to touch you like me?Who's gonna love you like me?Who's gonna run to you when you're lonely?Oh you know it's me, girl you know it's meYou said you only ever wanted honestyI'm standing here tryin' to give you all of meDon't tell me that you're love is running cold for meWhen we both know that's not true

I dropped a tear in the oceanWhen they find it, that's when I'll stop loving youNow I'm lost in a sea of emotionForever blinded, falling deeper into the blueOooh, you'll never find my tears in the oceanOooh, they'll never find my tearsJust say something, say anything nowLook at me, don't hold your head downWeren't we some shit, we can turn it all roundIt'll take some workIt might sound like I'm making some excusesWhen I say baby look I'm just a manShe was just a flash in the pantsSomething that I didn't planBut it's all I gotta giveAnd for you I shed a tearI dropped a tear in the ocean (in the ocean)When they find it, that's when I'll stop loving you (loving you)Now I'm lost in a sea of emotionForever blinded, falling deeper into the blue (into the blue)Oooh, baby you'll never find my tears in the oceanOooh, they'll never find my tearsSaid you'll never find my tears..Said you'll never find my tears..You'll never find my tearsIn the oceanAah....

Lacrimi in ocean

Lacrimi in ocean

Mi-ai spus ca nu te iubesc, nu spune astaNimeni nu ar putea fi inaintea ta, stii astaStiu ca am dat-o in bara, o singura dataNu imi lua dreptul la viata, nu este corectCat de multe scuze vei lua?Cata parte din mine spui ca e dreapta ?Nu imi amintesc numele fetelorEsti a mea pentru totdeauna si acest lucru nu se v-a schimba

Spunea-i odata ca tu vrei doar sinceritateStau aici incercand sa iti dau totul din mineNu imi spune ca iubirea ta ruleaza la rece pentru mineCand stim amandoi ca nu e adevaratAm scapat o lacrima in oceanCand ei o sa o gaseasca, atunci voi inceta sa te iubescAcum sunt pierdut intr-o mare de emotiePentru totdeauna oarba, care cade mai adanc in albastruOooh, niciodata nu o sa-mi gasesti lacrima in oceanOooh, niciodata nu o sa-mi gasesti lacrima in ocean

Cine stie unde sa te atinga ca si mine?Cine o sa te iubeasca ca si mine?Cine o sa alerge dupa tine cand esti singura?Oh tu sti sunt eu, fata tu sti sunt euSpunea-i odata ca tu vrei doar sinceritateStau aici incercand sa iti dau totul din mineNu imi spune ca iubirea ta este rece pentru mineCand stim amandoi ca nu e adevarat

Am scapat o lacrima in oceanCand o sa o gaseasca, asta e atunci cand voi inceta sa te iubescAcum sunt pierdut intr-o mare de emotiePentru totdeauna oarba, care cade mai adanc in albastruOooh, niciodata nu o sa-mi gasesti lacrima in oceanOooh, ei niciodata nu o sa imi gaseasca lacrimaDoar spune ceva, spune orice acumUita-te la mine, nu iti lasa capul josNu am fost ca si unii cacat, putem porni toata rundaV-a trebuii ceva muncaAr putea suna ca si cand as face niste scuzeCand spun iubito uite sunt doar un omEa a fost doar un flash în pantaloniCeva ce nu am planuitDar este tot ce trebuie sa dauSi pentru tine am varsat o lacrimaAm scăpat o lacrima în ocean (in ocean)Cand ei o sa o gaseasca, atunci voi inceta sa te iubesc (sa te iubesc)Acum sunt pierdut intr-o mare de emotiePentru totdeauna oarba, care cade mai adanc in albastru (in albastru)Oooh, niciodata nu o sa-mi gasesti lacrima in oceanOooh, ei niciodata nu o sa imi gaseasca lacrimaA spus că nu vei gasi lacrimile mele ..A spus că nu vei gasi lacrimile mele ..Niciodata nu imi vei gasii lacrimaIn oceanAah...

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Tears in ocean by Jay Sean. Or Tears in ocean poem lyrics. Jay Sean Tears in ocean text.