Manel "Boomerang" lyrics

Translation to:enesit


Va arribar el tiet amb barba llarga, els avis feien dinar especial,i va dir “nens, esteu morenos”, i va dir “almenys, heu crescut un pam”.I l’Ignasi i jo li escoltàvem mil aventures de països llunyansi estaven bé, i eren distretes, però era difícil treure’s del capel fer volar per damunt del barri aquell regal estrany.Per fi a baix, vam situar-nos a una distància prudencialde les senyores que es bronzejaven i dels cotxes aparcats,vam estudiar els corrents de l’aire, vam assecar-nos la suor de les mans.Però el boomerang s’encallava entre les branques i no tornava mai.Però el boomerang reclamava la perícia d’un professional.

I van baixar els altres amb la Vanessa -ai la Vanessa, com li deu ‘nar?-,menjaven pipes amb arrogància, se’n fotien des del banc,fins que avorrit d’aquell espectacle va venir el Xavi, que era més gran,“deixeu-me un tir, feu-vos enrere, deixeu-me un tir, colla de matats,que això és canell, que això el que vol és un bon joc de braç!”.I, senyors, tan bo és insistir com saber-se retirari, no sé l’Ignasi, però, en el meu cas, puc reconèixer que em va fer malveure en els ulls de la Vanessa que la cosa es posava interessant.Però el boomerang va encallar-se entre les branques i no va tornar mai.Però el boomerang reclamava la perícia d’un professional.

Però parlo de temps, crec que era el juliol en què es va fondre l’Induraini vam maleir el danès i les rampes d’Hautacam.Els anys, en fi, ens han fet com homes i, malgrat que ningú ha procreat,vaig pensant alternatives, per si mai es dóna el cas.I en aquest món entre els meus forts no hi haurà mai els detallsperò m’esforçaré i una cosa m’abstindré de regalar,que la infantesa serà divertida, màgica, lliure, d’acord, acceptat,però no hi ha tant temps per perdre i, tard o d’hora, només queda una veritat:El boomerang s’encallava entre les branques i no tornava mai.El boomerang reclamava la perícia d’un professional.


The uncle with the long beard arrived, the grand-parents were making a special meal& (he) said "kids, you are brown", & said "you have grown at least a few inches".Ignasi & me listened to 1,000s of his stories of countries far away& they were good, & kept us entertained, it was difficult to forget them (get them out of one's mind)for to even venture to the edge of the neighbourhood was a rare treat.At last, we positioned ourselves at a reasonable distancefrom the people who were tanning themselves & from the parked cars,we studied the wind, & wiped the sweat from our hands.However, the boomerang got caught in the branches & would never come down.For the boomerang needed the skill of a professional.

Then the others came down, including Vanessa - Oh, Vanessa, how the hell is she?/ where the hell is she?they ate seeds arrogantly, they jeered/made fun of us from the bank,until, bored with the spectacle, Xavi approached (who was older),"Let me have a throw, get back! Let me have a throw, you pack of deadheads!This is a wrist. What you want/need is a good arm".&, gentlemen, it is really good to recognize when to give up/in&, I don't know about Ignasi, but, in my case, I can admit that it hurt meto see that this was getting interesting to Vanessa.However, the boomerang got caught in the branches & would never come down.For the boomerang needed the skill of a professional.

But , I think it was the July when Indurain broke downon the climb to Huatacam & we swore at the Dane (Bjarne Riis)Time has seen us grow into men at last, and, although no one has children,I am looking for alternatives, just in case.& in this world b/n my strengths never will there be nice gesturesbut it will make me stronger & one thing I will never concedeis that my childhood was fun, magical, free, OK, accepted/loved,but there is no time to waste &, sooner or later, one truth is all that remains/matters:The boomerang got caught in the branches & would never come down.The boomerang needed the expertise of a professional.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Boomerang by Manel. Or Boomerang poem lyrics. Manel Boomerang text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Boomerang meaning.