Paul McCartney "Hope For The Future" lyrics

Translation to:sr

Hope For The Future

Some hope for the futureSome wait for the callTo say that the days aheadWill be the best of all

We will build bridgesUp to the skyHeavenly light surrounding you and I

Hope for the futureIt's coming soon enoughHow much can we achieve?

Hope for the futureIt will belong to usIf we believeIf we believe

Hope shines brightestIn the darkWhere nothing's ever seen

Lighting undiscovered placesNo one's ever been

From out of the darknessOur future will comeIf we leave the past behindWe'll fly beyond the sun

And we will build bridgesUp to the skyHeavenly light surrounding you and I

Hope shines brightestIn the darkWhere nothing's ever seen

Lighting undiscovered placesNo one's ever been

Hope for the futureHope for the futureHope for the future

Nada u Budućnost

Neki se nadaju u budućnostNeki čekaju pozivDa bi rekli da će budući daniBiti naši najbolji

Izgradićemo mostoveSve do nebaNebesko svetlo okružuje mene i tebe

Nada u budućnostDolazi dovoljno uskoroKoliko možemo postići?

Nada u budućnostPripadaće namaAko verujemoAko verujemo

Nada svetli najsjajnijeU tamiGde se nikad ništa ne vidi

Osvetljujući neotkrivena mestaGde niko nikad nije bio

Iz tameNaša će budućnost doćiAko ostavimo prošlost izaLetećemo dalje od sunca

I izgradićemo mostoveSve do nebaNebesko svetlo okružuje mene i tebe

Nada svetli najsjajnijeU tamiGde se nikad ništa ne vidi

Osvetljujući neotkrivena mestaGde niko nikad nije bio

Nada u budućnostNada u budućnostNada u budućnost

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Hope For The Future by Paul McCartney. Or Hope For The Future poem lyrics. Paul McCartney Hope For The Future text.