Judas Priest "Fever" lyrics

Translation to:ro


I'd spend my days aloneI used to stay at homeLost in seclusion there.Like I was in a cellA captured heart as wellSurrounded by despair.Darkness filled my soulLosing all control.Down on the streets belowBright city lights would glow.The energy would riseAnd through the heat I'd gazeStill counting empty days.With fire in my eyesLiving through this hellCan I break the spell.

Fever. You set my soul on fire.Fever. You fill me with desire.Fever. You always get it right.Fever. All day and all night.

Then one night as I walkedI heard your body talkI saw a shooting starIn some magnetic tranceOur beating hearts would danceAnd crash down from afar.Oh how strange fate isNever dreamed of this.So destiny has brought usOh so close togetherWe were like angels in the nightLiving the dreamAt last I'll be with you forever.And all at once it feels so right.


Imi petrec zilele singurObisnuiesc sa stau in casaPierdut in izolare acoloCa si cum as fi intro celulaPrecum o inima capturataInconjurata de disperareIntunericul mi-a cuprins sufletulPierzandu-mi contrrolulafara in stradaLuminile orasului vor staluciEnergia v-a renasteSi prin inima voi priviInca numar zilele goaleCu dorinta in ochiTraiesc in acest iadPot sa rup vraja

Febra.tu mi-ai dat foc sufletuluiFebra.M-ai umplut cu dorintaFebra.Intotdeauna ai avut drepatateFebra.Toata ziua si toata noaptea.

aPOI intro noapte am plecatTi-am auzit corpul vorbindu-miAm vazut o stea cazatoareCa o transa magicaBataile inimilor noastre vor dansasi s-au accidentat de la departareOh cat de stranie e soartaNiciodata nu am visat la asa cevaDestinul ne-a adus impreunaOh ATAt de aproape impreunaSantem ca doi ingeri in noapteTraind intr-un visCel putin voi fi cu tine pe vecie.In acelasi timp ne simtim asa de bine.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Fever by Judas Priest. Or Fever poem lyrics. Judas Priest Fever text.