Maria Rita "Dois Pra Lá, Dois Pra Cá" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

Dois Pra Lá, Dois Pra Cá

Sentindo frio em minh'almaTe convidei pra dançarA tua voz me acalmava:"São dois prá, dois pra cá"

Meu coração traiçoeiroBatia mais que o bongô,Tremia mais que as maracas.Descompassado de amor

Minha cabeça rodandoRodava mais que os casaisO teu perfume gardêniaE não me perguntes mais

A tua mão no pescoço,As tuas costas maciasPor quanto tempo rondaramAs minhas noites fazias

No dedo um falso brilhanteBrincos iguais ao colarE a ponta de um torturante band-aidNo calcanhar

Eu hoje me embriagandoDe uísque com guaranáOuvi tua voz murmurando:"São dois pra lá, dois cá"

Dejaste abandonada la ilusiónQue había en mi corazón por ti

Two steps there, two steps here

Feeling a cold in my soulI asked you to danceYou voice calmed me down:"Two steps there, two steps here"

My wicked heartWas beating faster than the bongo drumWas shaking more than the maracasBeating so fast because the love

My head was spinningWas spinning more than the couplesYour sense of gardeniaAnd don't ask me anything else

Your hand on my neckYour smooth backThey have rounded for too longAll my empty nights

A fake diamond on your fingerEarings matching the necklaceAnd the edge of a excruciating bandageOn my heel

I am now getting drunkWith whiskey and guarana sodaI could hear your voice whispering:"Two steps there, two steps here"

You have left behindThe ilusion that I kept on my heart for you

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Dois Pra Lá, Dois Pra Cá by Maria Rita. Or Dois Pra Lá, Dois Pra Cá poem lyrics. Maria Rita Dois Pra Lá, Dois Pra Cá text in English. Also can be known by title Dois Pra La Dois Pra Ca (Maria Rita) text. This page also contains a translation, and Dois Pra La Dois Pra Ca meaning.