The Black Keys "Turn Blue" lyrics

Translation to:eleshr

Turn Blue

In the dead of the night I start to lose controlBut I still carry the weight like I've always done beforeIt gets so heavy at times but what more can I doI got to stay on track just like paps told me to

I really don't think you knowThere could be hell below, belowI really do hope you knowthere could be hell below, below

When the music is done and all the lights are lowI will remember the times when love would really glowI could dream ahead before my world turned blueAnd the light inside would only shine for you

I really don't think you knowThere could be hell below, belowI really do hope you knowthere could be hell below, below

I really don't think you knowThere could be hell below, belowI really do hope you knowThere could be hell below, below

Rastužiti se

U mrtvilu noći počinjem gubiti kontroluAli još uvijek nosim teret kao što sam ga oduvijek nosioS vremenom postane tako teško ali što drugo mogu učinitiMoram ostati na pravom putu baš kao što mi je tata rekao

Zbilja ne mislim da znašPakao bi mogao biti tamo ispod, ispodZbilja ne mislim da znašPakao bi mogao biti tamo ispod, ispod

Kad pjesma završi I sva svijetla su prigušenaSjećati ću se vremena kad je ljubav cvalaMogao sam sanjati prije nego što se moj svijet rastužio*I svijetlo unutra bi sijalo samo za tebe

Zbilja ne mislim da znašPakao bi mogao biti tamo ispod, ispodZbilja ne mislim da znašPakao bi mogao biti tamo ispod, ispod

Zbilja ne mislim da znašPakao bi mogao biti tamo ispod, ispodZbilja se nadam da znašPakao bi mogao biti tamo ispod, ispod

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Turn Blue by The Black Keys. Or Turn Blue poem lyrics. The Black Keys Turn Blue text.