Nilüfer "Ara sıra bazı bazı" lyrics

Translation to:enesru

Ara sıra bazı bazı

Gözümle gördüm gönlümle sevdim seniVazgeçemem kiBin zulüm etsen sevemem desen yineGit diyemem kiVar mı söyle? var mı söyle? benim gibiCanın ister güldürürsünCanın ister öldürürsünAşkının kölesi oldumSevgilimsin sen bilirsinAra sıra bazı bazıGelsen bile gönlüm razıYeter ki görsün gözlerimAşkın olmaz çoğu azıNerdeydin demem, kimleydin dememSeni sevdim bir kereMadem ki sensiz yaşayamam benNaz etmem boş yere

Sometimes, once in a while

I've seen you with my eyes, loved you with my heartI can't give up.Even if you torture me, even if you say again "I can't love"I can't say "go".

Tell me if there is, tell me if there is anyone like me?

When you please, you make me smile.When you please, you make me die.I've become the slave of your love.You're my love, you know the best.

Even if you come sometimes, once in a while,My heart is content,As long as I can see you.Much or little doesn't matter when it comes to love.

I won't ask where you were, I won't ask with whom you wereI just love you.Since I can't live without you,I won't play hard to get.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ara sıra bazı bazı by Nilüfer. Or Ara sıra bazı bazı poem lyrics. Nilüfer Ara sıra bazı bazı text in English. Also can be known by title Ara sira bazi bazi (Nilufer) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ara sira bazi bazi meaning.