Riblja Čorba "Po livadi rosnoj" lyrics

Translation to:enru

Po livadi rosnoj

Po livadi rosnoj šetala si bosapa si mi nazebla, curi ti iz nosa.Evo tebi, dušo, maramica čista,slobodno je uzmi, nisam komunista.

Čaj i aspirine popij da se zgreješ,više ne slinavi, počni da se smeješ.Detelinu nađoh sa četiri lista,evo ti za sreću, nisam komunista.

Sa seoskog trga sklonjena je bista,bacena je negde, nema komunista.Rekli smo im zbogom i hasta la vista,nemoj da se plašiš, nema komunista-

Over The Dewy Meadow

Over the dewy meadow you were walking barefootAnd you got cold, it's leaking from your nose.Here is to you, honey, clean handkerchief,Feel free to take it, i am not communist.

Tea and aspirines, drink them to warm up,Don't snivel anymore, start to smile.I've found a clover with four leafs,Here's to your happiness, i am not communist.

From rural square bust was taken off,It's thrown somewhere, no more communists.We said them goodbye and hasta la vista,do not fear, no more communists.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Po livadi rosnoj by Riblja Čorba. Or Po livadi rosnoj poem lyrics. Riblja Čorba Po livadi rosnoj text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Po livadi rosnoj meaning.