Mayada El Hennawy "El Hob Elli Kan (الحب اللي كان)" lyrics

Translation to:en

El Hob Elli Kan (الحب اللي كان)

كان ياما كان كان ياما كانالحب مالي بيتنا ومدفينا الحنانزارنا الزمان سرق منا فرحتنا والراحه والامان

حبيبي كان هنا مالي الدنيا عليا في الحب والهناحبيبي يا أنا يا اغلى من عنيا نسيت من انا ؟انا الحب الي كان اللي نسيته اوام من قبل الاواننسيت اسمي كمان نسيت يا سلام على غدر الانسانوالله زمان يا هوى زمان والله زمان يا هوى زمان

حبيبي جيت انا ليه في الدنيا ديا الا عشان احبكعشان يدوب عمري من جرح غدرك بدريشمعه ورا شمعه وتعيش انت لفرحكحبيبي فداك انا وسنيني اللي جايهفداك قلبي اللي حبكامشي فوق همي فوق دمعي وغنيولا تنزلش دمعه ليله فوق خدك

وآه من حرقة الآه داب الحجروآه من قلب جواه حب تقتلوآه على عاشق هواه من غير آملوآه والشكوى لله مش للبشر

عسل ومر انت وفاء وغدر انت وحب العمر انتكدبه انت كدبه لكن احلى كدبه بعتهالي الزمانرقه انت رقه لكن شوق ودمعه وبحر من الاحزان

حبيبي كان هنا مالي الدنيا عليا في الحب والهناحبيبي يا أنا يا اغلى من عنيا نسيت من انا ؟انا الحب الي كان اللي نسيته اوام من قبل الاواننسيت اسمي كمان نسيت يا سلام على غدر الانسانوالله زمان يا هوى زمان والله زمان يا هوى زمان

زمان لما جيت زمانبعد غيابك سنين و على قلبى ناديترديت حبيبي جاني، اشتاق لحبيبه تانىلحبي، لحناني، و ياريتني ما رديتزمان كان لينا بيت زمانو اصحاب طيبين يبكوا لو يوم بكيتو يخافوا عليك يا غالي وعليا من الليالىمن همسه، من كلمه و يدوبوا لو غنيت

حبيبي كان هنا مالي الدنيا عليا في الحب والهناحبيبي يا أنا يا اغلى من عنيا نسيت من انا ؟انا الحب الي كان اللي نسيته اوام من قبل الاواننسيت اسمي كمان نسيت يا سلام على غدر الانسانوالله زمان يا هوى زمان والله زمان يا هوى زمان

The Love That Was

Once upon a time

Love had filled our home and tenderness had warmed us

The past paid us a visit

Stole our happiness, our comfort, and our safety

My darling was here, filling this world for me

Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes

Have you forgotten who I am

I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon

From before the forces

You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..

at the treachery of the human race

I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long

Sweetheart why had I come to this world other than to love you?

So that my life can melt away from the wound of your betrayal

A candle and I am candle, and you will live for your own happiness

Sweetheart I am in your hands and so are the years to come

In your hands, my heart that has loved you

Walk atop my troubles, atop my tears and sing

Do not drop a tear tonight on to your cheek

My darling was here, filling this world for me

Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes

Have you forgotten who I am

I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon

From before the forces

You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..

at the treachery of the human race

I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long

And ohh from the burning of the ohh and the falling of the stones

And ohh from the heart inside that love has killed

And ohh from the passion of his love which has no hope

Ohh and complain for God to hear not for the people

Honey and sour you are, Loyal and betrayer you are

And the love of my life you are

A lie, a lie, a lie you are a lie

But you are the most beautiful lie that the past has brought to me

Subtle, subtle, subtle you are subtle

But passion and tears, and an ocean from the sadness

My darling was here, filling this world for me

Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes

Have you forgotten who I am

I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon

From before the forces

You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..

at the treachery of the human race

I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long

Long ago when you came after disappearing for years

And to my heart you had called

I replied "My love has come for me, he missed his lover again

missed my love and my tenderness" and I wish I had not replied

Long ago we had a home and dear friends

That would cry if I had cried one day

And they would fear for you precious one, and for me from the lonely nights

From a touch, from a word and they would melt if I sang

Long ago, long ago

My darling was here, filling this world for me

Oh my darling, more precious to me than my eyes

Have you forgotten who I am

I am the love that was, the one you forgot so soon

From before the forces

You forgot my name too, you forgot it oh wow..

at the treachery of the human race

I swear it's been so long, love it's been so long

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song El Hob Elli Kan (الحب اللي كان) by Mayada El Hennawy. Or El Hob Elli Kan (الحب اللي كان) poem lyrics. Mayada El Hennawy El Hob Elli Kan (الحب اللي كان) text in English. Also can be known by title El Hob Elli Kan الحب اللي كان (Mayada El Hennawy) text. This page also contains a translation, and El Hob Elli Kan الحب اللي كان meaning.