Siavash Ghomayshi "Alaki - الکی" lyrics

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Alaki - الکی

من فقط عاشق اینم حرف قلبتو بدونمالکی بگم جدا شیم ، تو بگی که نمی تونممن فقط عاشق اینم بگی از همه بیزاری

دو سه روز پیدام نشه تا ببینم چه حالی داری

من فقط عاشق اینم عمری از خدا بگیرمانقدر زنده بمونم تا به جای تو بمیرممن فقط عاشق اینم روزایی که با تو تنهامکارو باره زندگیمو بزارم برای فردام

من فقط عاشق اینم وقتی از همه کلافمبشینم یه گوشه دنج موهای تو رو ببافمعاشق اون لحظه ام که پشته پنجره بشینمحواست به من نباشه دزدکی تو رو ببینم

من فقط عاشق اینم عمری از خدا بگیرمانقدر زنده بمونم تا به جای تو بمیرممن فقط عاشق اینم عمری از خدا بگیرمانقدر زنده بمونم تا به جای تو بمیرم


I just love to know what your heart says...(I just love to know this, to know the words of your heart)...To falsely tell you to break up, and you say that you can not...(unreally or falsely tell you to separate, you say that I can't)I just love to hear you say that you hate all others...(I just love this, you say you hate everybody)I'd disappear 2-3 days, to see how you feel...(2-3 days i don't come around so that i can see what feelings you have)I just love to live...(I just love this, to get an age from god; to ask god to give me a long life)To stay alive as long as i die for you...(To stay alive to die instead of you)I just love the days that i'm just with you...(I just love this, the days when i'm with you alone)And put off my affairs for tomorrow...(The things I have to do in life, keep them for my tomorrow)I just love when I'm fed-up with everything...(I just love this, when I'm upset from everybody)To sit in a cozy place and plait your hair...(to sit in a quite place, plait your hair)I'm in love with the moment when I sit behind the window...(I love the moment when, sit at the window)When you're not aware of me and I watch you secretly...(You don't pay attention to me, and I secretly watch you)Refrain.......

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Alaki - الکی by Siavash Ghomayshi. Or Alaki - الکی poem lyrics. Siavash Ghomayshi Alaki - الکی text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Alaki - الکی meaning.