Saša Matić "Ne zovi, ne pisi" lyrics

Translation to:en

Ne zovi, ne pisi

Svaki nas susret uvek sve tezi jeumorno srce ide gde je svezijeduboko negde ova ljubav ima drazna povrsini sve je samo cista laz

Ref.Ne zovi, ne pisi i ne dolazipusti me, zelja me prolaziniko od nas nije madjionicarda ozivi mrtvu stvar

Ne zovi, ne pisi i ne dolazipusti me, zelja me prolazicarobni je stapic puko na dvojeal' magija ne nestaje

Ne bole mene vise tvoje prevarevec ova nada sto u meni umirekad si vec htela za nas tako ruzan krajne budi fina dobro me razocaraj

Don’t call, don’t write

Our every meeting is only becoming harder,My tired heart is leaving where it’s fresher.Somewhere deep inside this love has its charm,On the surface everything is just a pure lie.

Chorus:Don’t call, don’t write and don’t come,let me be, the desire is disappearing.Neither of us is a magicianto bring a dead thing back to life.

Don’t call, don’t write and don’t come,let me be, the desire is disappearing.The magic stick has already snappedbut the magic is still here.

Your deceitful ways do not hurt me anymorebut the hope deep inside me that is not going away.If you wished for us such an ugly ending,don’t be subtle,disappoint me properly.

Chorus:Don’t call, don’t write and don’t come,let me be, the desire is disappearing.Neither of us is a magicianto bring a dead thing back to life.

Don’t call, don’t write and don’t come,let me be, the desire is disappearing.The magic stick has already snappedbut the magic is still here.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ne zovi, ne pisi by Saša Matić. Or Ne zovi, ne pisi poem lyrics. Saša Matić Ne zovi, ne pisi text in English. Also can be known by title Ne zovi ne pisi (Sasa Matic) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ne zovi ne pisi meaning.