Pink Martini "Omide Zendegani" lyrics

Translation to:en

Omide Zendegani

*Rafti az kenaaramAz shahr o diyaaramEy omide zendegaaniRaft az dooriye to aaraam o gharaaramHamcho ayyaame javaani

*Ghaafel ze ahvaale man dar shoore mastiRafti delam az gham shekastiBaal o pare morghe omidam raa bastiTaa reshteye olfat gosasti

Roshan ze rokhe to aashiyaane man budiHame shabTo munese jaan to hamzabaane man budiHame shab

Sobham shode shaamRuzam cho muye toOftaade be daamSeidi be kuye to

Repeat *

Life’s Hope

*You left meYou left my city and homelandOh you the hope of lifeFrom your absence my peace and composure are goneJust like the days of youth

*Unaware of my feelings in the passion of drunkennessYou left, you broke my sad heartYou bound the wings of my bird of hopeUntil you detached our bond of affection

My house was bright because of your faceAll nightYou were my only mate, you were my companionAll night

My morning has become nightMy day like your hair (i.e. black)In the trap has stuckA prey in your way

Repeat *

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Omide Zendegani by Pink Martini. Or Omide Zendegani poem lyrics. Pink Martini Omide Zendegani text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Omide Zendegani meaning.