This certain heart says "yell!"Those uncertain words, "See you later,"So that I don't lose them, so that I don't forget them, so that I can just be. . .
Today is the first dayOf the rest of your life,Yesterday was the last dayOf your life until now.
When I wake up in the morning, for the first timeIn the history of my new life, I go to the bathroom,And then, for the first timeIn the history of my new life, I take a step.
But I'm still the same me I was yesterday,I don't want to repeat the same things over and over,Suddenly, I remember the words someone said to me,"History repeats itself," this is what they meant, isn't it?
This certain heart says "yell!"Those uncertain words, "See you later,"So that I don't let them escape, so that I don't forget them, so that I can just be. . .
From the futon I folded with sleepy eyes,To the room I cleaned for the first time in a long time,These are all mundane actions,But they're presents to the me of the future.
From the vows written on the wallTo the sleep I fall into, ruled by the alarm clock,Everything is a challenge from the me ending todayTo the me of tomorrow.
I'm not the same even from moment to moment,I want to live without forgetting that,I tie the tasuki cord around my shouldersThat ties together all those single beings.
Even if I wish for a today different from yesterday,Even if the color of tomorrow's sunrise is the same,Whether I like it or not, I'm changing, I'm becoming me.
I'll never forgetMy yelling voice from that day,I'm connected to the promise I madeTo see you again, until I fulfill it.
In the same way that I was born, inheritingTens of thousands of years,I'm going to connect the me of nowTo the me of the future, for sure.
Everything is the first time of somethingIn my life from the present moment, and should be celebrated,Every time becomes the last timeIn my life to the present moment.
Today is the first dayOf somebody's life,Today was the last dayOf somebody's life.
This certain heart says "yell!"Those uncertain words, "See you later,"Yell!tu-lu tu-lutu-lu tu-lu tu-lu