Mumford & Sons "I gave you all" lyrics

Translation to:defritsrtr

I gave you all

Rip the earth in two with your mindSeal the urge which ensues with brass wiresI never meant you any harmBut your tears feel warm as they fall on my forearm

But close my eyes for a whileForce from the world a patient smile

How can you say that your truth is better than ours?Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no armsThe blind man sleeps in the doorway, his homeIf only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won

But I gave you all

Close my eyes for a whileForce from the world a patient smile

But I gave you all

But you rip it from my handsAnd you swear it's all goneAnd you rip out all I haveJust to say that you've won

Well now you've won

Sve sam ti dao

Pokidaj zemlju na dva dela svojim umomZapečati poriv koji nastaje sa metalnim žičicamaNikad ti nisam želeo nikakvo zloAli suze su ti tako tople kad dok mi padaju na podlakticu

Zatvari mi oči na neko vremeNateraj svet na strpljivi osmeh

Kako možeš da kažeš da je tvoja istina bolja od naše?Rame uz rame, sada brate, nosimo bez rukuSlepi čovek spava pred vratima, svog domaKad bih imao većeg neprijatelja od svoje ravnodušnosti pobedio bih

Ali sve sam ti dao

Zatvari mi oči na neko vremeNateraj svet na strpljivi osmeh

Ali sve sam ti dao

Ali iščupala si mi iz rukuI zaklela se da je sve gotovoPokidala si sve što imamSamo da kažeš da si pobedila

Pa, sada si pobedila

Here one can find the lyrics of the song I gave you all by Mumford & Sons. Or I gave you all poem lyrics. Mumford & Sons I gave you all text.