Teresa Teng "Dú shàng xī lóu (独上西楼)" lyrics

Translation to:en

Dú shàng xī lóu (独上西楼)



Solitary, I Ascend the Western Tower

Silently, solitary I ascend the western tower,The moon appears like a hook,The lone parasol tree locks the clear autumn in the deep courtyard.

*What cannot be cut,Nor raveled,Is the sorrow of separation:Nothing tastes like that to the heart.(x2),*,(x1)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Dú shàng xī lóu (独上西楼) by Teresa Teng. Or Dú shàng xī lóu (独上西楼) poem lyrics. Teresa Teng Dú shàng xī lóu (独上西楼) text in English. Also can be known by title Du shang xī lou 独上西楼 (Teresa Teng) text. This page also contains a translation, and Du shang xī lou 独上西楼 meaning.