Samo Zaen "قصه حب - The Story of Love" lyrics

Translation to:enes

قصه حب - The Story of Love

ولا ليلة انا لوحدى و لا انتى بعيدةدانا من قبل ما اقبلك كنتى فى خيالى

ولما لقيتك لقيتك احلى ايوة اكيدمن اللى فى بالى

وانا الدنيا بقى ليها معنى وانا وياكوقبلك عشت ايامى ماحستهاش وطول عمرىدة كلة حلمت بيك ومعاك حياتى تتعاش

تانى تانى هنعيد كل اللى كان بس الفرقما بين دلوقتى وبين زمان انى قابلتك وشوفتكواقف قدامى وانا بقول ليك بحبك وانتى سامعة كمان

تانى تانى هنعيد كل اللى كان بس الفرقما بين دلوقتى وبين زمان دانا ما سدات انى قلبىخلاص لقاكى وانا بقلك بحبك وانت سامع كمان

من الليلة انا بوعد قلبك خلاص هيبقىامانة بين ايدى اغلى الناس ومن الليلة بقيتانا ملك الاحساس وانتى اميرتى

وعارف احلى حاجة فى حكايتنا دى ايةواحساسك باحساسى مكمل لية وانت كلامك حبيبىوعدتنى بية مطمنى

تانى تانى هنعيد كل اللى كان بس الفرقما بين دلوقتى وبين زمان دانا ما صدقت انى قلبى خلاص لقاكوانا بقوللك بحبك وانتى سامعة كمان

تانى تانى هنعيد كل اللى كان بس الفرقما بين دلوقتى وبين زمان انى قابلتك وشوفتك واقفةقدامى وفرحانة عشان ليا فى قلبك مكان

Love Story

I did not spend even a night alone, nor are you far [from me]as before meeting you, you resided in my imagination

And when I found you, I found you even more beautiful for surethan what I had in mind

Life has acquired meaning now that I am with youBefore you I just lived my days; didn't feel them, and all my lifeI have dreamt of you and with you my life is worth living

Again, again, we will resurrect the past, but the differenceBetween now and back then is that I met you and saw youyou are standing in front me and I am telling you "I love you" and you hear it too

Again, again, we will resurrect the past, but the differenceBetween now and back... I can't believe my heartfinally found you and that I am telling you "I love you" and you hear it too

From this night onward, I promise your heart that it will bein my hands to protect, you're the most precious of people,and since this night I've becomeThe king of feelings and you are my princess

Do you know what the sweetest thing about our story is?and why your feelings are going on with mine? and your words, loveyou promised me through them, they set me at ease

Again, again, we will resurrect the past, but the differenceBetween now and back... I can't believe my heart finally found youAnd I am telling you I love you and you hear it too

Again, again, we will resurrect the past, but the differenceBetween now and back then is that I met you and saw youyou are standing in front me, and I am happy because I have a place in your heart

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song قصه حب - The Story of Love by Samo Zaen. Or قصه حب - The Story of Love poem lyrics. Samo Zaen قصه حب - The Story of Love text in English. This page also contains a translation, and قصه حب - The Story of Love meaning.