Nicki Minaj "Beez In The Trap" lyrics

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Beez In The Trap

[Hook]Bitches ain't shit, and they ain't sayin' nuthin'A hundred muthafuckas can't tell me nuthin'I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trapI beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap[x2]

[Verse 1: Nicki Minaj]Man, I been did thatMan, I been popped offAnd if she ain't tryna give it up, she get dropped offLet me bust that U-ieBitch, bust that openMight spend a couple thou' just to bust that openRip it off, no jokin'Like your name Hulk HoganNiggas move weight in the South, but live in HobokenBitch, I spit that crackLike I'm in that trapSo if you need a hit, then I'm with that bat

[Hook]Bitches ain't shit, and they ain't sayin' nuthin'A hundred muthafuckas can't tell me nuthin'I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trapI beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap[x2]

[Verse 2: 2 Chainz]Okay now Nicki Nicki Nicki, put it in your kidneyGot a new LS 450, ain't no keys in this do-hickyIf I weren't rappin' I be trappin'If I weren't trappin' I be pimpin'If weren't pimpin' I be gettin' it, periodI don't smoke no bobby, but my denim be from RickyGot your girl Amalie and we smokin' loud and drinkin'Got my top back so you can see what I been thinkin'If you know me then you know I've been thinking FranklinMoney, thousands, True Religion trousersGot a private home, started from the public housesHair weave killer, Kevin heart arouserAudi A8, told them Audi 5000, uh

[Hook]Bitches ain't shit, and they ain't sayin' nuthin'A hundred muthafuckas can't tell me nuthin'I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trapI beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap[x2]

[Bridge]Damn, damn what they say about me?I don't know man, fuck is on your biscuit?If I get hits, swinging on a big bitchI don't know man, I'm shittin' on your whole life[x2]

[Hook]Bitches ain't shit, and they ain't sayin' nuthin'A hundred muthafuckas can't tell me nuthin'I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trapI beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap

[Verse 3: Nicki Minaj]Man I'm out in Texas, man I'm out in A-townThen I'm up in Chi-town or Miami shuttin' it downIt's that New Orleans, it's LA or The BayIt's New York Philly in the whole DMVI'm a Detroit Player, man it's north south catsOhio Pittsburgh, got St. Louis on deckIt's Delaware Connecticut, it's New Jersey got hella bricksIt's Queens Brooklyn and yea they're wildin'The Bronx Harlem and Staten Island

[Hook]Bitches ain't shit, and they ain't sayin' nuthin'A hundred muthafuckas can't tell me nuthin'I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trapI beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap

[Bridge]Damn, damn what they say about me?I don't know man, fuck is on your biscuit?If I get hits, swinging on a big bitchI don't know man, I'm shittin' on your whole life[x2]

Uvijek sam u žiži

(Uvod)Kuje nisu ništa, a oni ništa ni ne govoreTisuće kretene ne mogu mi ništa rećiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žižiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žiži(x2)

(Strofa 1: Nicki Minaj)Čovječe, bila sam, radila sam toČovječe, znali su me otepstiI ako se one ne trudi odustati, srede jeDajte da ja sredim te U-ieKujo, udari to da se otvoriMožda potrošiš dosta samo dok udariš da se otvoriSvuci to, bez šaleKao da se zoveš Hulk HoganCrnje dižu tone na jugu, ali žive u HobokenuKujo, pljunem ja taj crackKao da sam tamo u žižiPa ako ti treba udarac, kod mene je palica

(Uvod)Kuje nisu ništa, a oni ništa ni ne govoreTisuće kretene ne mogu mi ništa rećiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žižiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žiži(x2)

(Strofa 2: 2 Chainz)Ok, sad, Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, stavi si to u bubregImam novi LS 450, nema ključeva u ovom motorčiniDa ne repam, prodavao bihDa ne prodajem, podvodio bihDa ne podvodim, dobivao bih, točkaNe pušim nikakve fore, ali moja bi obleka bila od RickyjaImaš svoju Amalie, i mi pušimo naveliko i pijemoImam sve izvana naopako da ne vidiš što sam mislioAko me znaš, onda znaš da sam mislio o paramaNovac, tisuće, True religion hlačeImam vlastiti dom, počeo od javnih stanovaUbojita akcija u krevetu, udara Kevina u srceAudi A8, rekao im Audi 5000, uh

(Uvod)Kuje nisu ništa, a oni ništa ni ne govoreTisuće kretene ne mogu mi ništa rećiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žižiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žiži(x2)

(Prijelaz)Kvragu, kvragu, što kažu za mene?ne znam, čovječe, sranje ti je na kolačiću?Ako dobijem pogotke, prebacujem se na veliku kujuNe znam čovječe, serem ti se na cijeli život(x2)

(Uvod)Kuje nisu ništa, a oni ništa ni ne govoreTisuće kretene ne mogu mi ništa rećiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žižiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žiži(x2)

(Strofa 3: Nicki Minaj)Čovječe, ja sam tamo u Teksasu, čovječe, u A-graduOnda sam gore u kineskom ili pucam odozgor u MiamijuTo je taj New Orleans, to je LA ili ZaljevTo je New York, Philly, ili oko WashingtonaJa sam igračica iz Detroita, čovječe to su sjever-jug mačkeOhio, Pittsburgh, imam St Louis u reduTo je Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, ima super cigleTo je Queens, Brooklyn, i da, divljajuBronx, Harlem, i Staten Island

(Uvod)Kuje nisu ništa, a oni ništa ni ne govoreTisuće kretene ne mogu mi ništa rećiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žižiJa sam uvijek u žiži, pčelica, uvijek u žiži(x2)

(Prijelaz)Kvragu, kvragu, što kažu za mene?ne znam, čovječe, sranje ti je na kolačiću?Ako dobijem pogotke, prebacujem se na veliku kujuNe znam čovječe, serem ti se na cijeli život(x2)

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Beez In The Trap by Nicki Minaj. Or Beez In The Trap poem lyrics. Nicki Minaj Beez In The Trap text.