Worship Songs "Oracion al sol" lyrics

Translation to:en

Oracion al sol

Sol, antiguo Sol, Padre Inmortaldador de vida y de salud.Desde el tiempo de piedra de la América míahoy como ayer escucha atento mi oración.

Danos el maíz que alimenta, el agua que es viday la lana que abriga del frío.Danos la paz, la justicia, el respeto a este pueblosufrido que es tuyo y es mío.

Sol, mi Padre Sol, calienta el airecon tu llama secular.Que tu fuerza nos llegue corazones adentroy tu vigor sostenga mi debilidad.

Danos valor para pelearpor lo que es nuestro y nos quieren sacar.Ayúdanos a derrotara los que quieren hacernos el mal.

Que no se apaguen las velas,que ardan marcando los siglos del Inca y su fe.Vendrá el ganado, estira las siembras,desata tus fuentes de leche y de miel.

Vuelva a brillar en su esplendorTawantinsuyo, la Tierra del Sol.Bajo tu luz crezcan en pazpueblos andinos y pueblos del mar.

Danos valor para pelearpor lo que es nuestro y nos quieren sacar.

Danos el maíz que alimenta, el agua que es viday la lana que abriga del frío.Danos la paz, la justicia, el respeto a este pueblosufrido que es tuyo y es mío.

Sol, mi Padre Sol, calienta el airecon tu llama secular.

Ayúdanos a derrotara los que quieren hacernos el mal.

Prayer to the sun

Sun, ancient sun, inmortal fatherGiver of life and health.From the stone time of my AmericaToday as well as yesterday listen carefully my prayer.

Give us the maize which feeds, the water which is lifeAnd the wool that keeps us warm from the cold.Give us the peace, the justice, the respect to these peopleSuffering which is yours and is mine.

Sun, my father Sun, warm up the airWith your secular flame.May your strength reach our hearts deep insideAnd your vigor sustain my weakness.

Give us courage to fightFor what is ours and they want to take it away from us.Help us defeatThose who want to hurt us.

May the candles not be extinguished,May it be that they will burn marking the centurias of the Inkas and their fairth.The livestock(or crowd) will come, smooth away the sowing season,Unleash your sources of milk and honey.

Shine again in all your splendorTawantinsuyo, the Land of the Sun.Under your Light grow in peaceAndean people and people of the sea.

Give us courage to fightFor what is ours and they want to take it away from us.

Give us the maize which feeds, the water which is lifeAnd the wool that keeps us warm from the cold.Give us the peace, the justice, the respect to these peopleSuffering which is yours and is mine.

Sun, my father Sun, warm up the airWith your secular flame.

Help us defeatThose who want to hurt us.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Oracion al sol by Worship Songs. Or Oracion al sol poem lyrics. Worship Songs Oracion al sol text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Oracion al sol meaning.