He is Lord, He is Lord
He is Lord (x2)He is risen from the deathAnd He is LordEvery knee shall bowEvery tongue confessThat Jesus Christ is Lord!
He is Lord (x2)He is risen from the deathAnd He is LordEvery knee shall bowEvery tongue confessThat Jesus Christ is Lord!
هو الرَّب، هو الربلقد قام من الموتوهو الربكل ركبة ستنحتيولسان يعترفأن يسوع المسيح هو الرَّبّ
Yese Prabhuvu, Yese PrabhuvuMruthini Gelchi ThirigilechinaYese PrabhuvuPrathi Mokaalu VangunuPrathi Naaluka OppukonunNa Yese Prabhuvani!