Works of art, painted blackMagniloquent, bleeding darkMonotonous palate, murky spectrum, grimly unlimitedFood for thought, so prolificIn contrasting shades, forcely fedAbstraction, so choking, so provocative
A canvas to paint, to degenerateDark reflections - degenerationA canvas to paint, to denigrateDark reflections, of dark foul light
Profound, aesthetic beautyOr shaded, sensary corruptionPerceptions, shattered, splintered, mirroringIn deft taints, diluted, tintedSpelt out, in impaired colourDenigrating, going to paints to pain - not a pretty picture
Works of heart bleeding darkBlack, magniloquent artMonotonous palate, murky spectrum, grimly unlimitedProlific food for thoughtContrasting, fed with forceAbstraction, so choking, so provocative
Bleeding works of artSeething work so darkSeering words from the heart