The Cardigans "Don't Blame Your Daughter" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:sk

Don't Blame Your Daughter

Don't blame your daughterthat's just sentimentaland don't blame your momfor all that you've done wrongYour dad is not guiltyyou came out a little faultyand the factory closedso you can't hold them liableYou come from an island,you're cutting diamondswith a rubbery knife

Your autograph is worthlessso don't send me lettersand don't mail me cash'cause your money is no goodWhat's left in your matressis holes and lack of love leftsome hair from a horse,and none of it is yours, man

You come from an island,you're cutting diamondswith a rubbery knife

And the song you sing todaywasn't always in your head,the words you tryin' to sayare the ones you shouldn't 've saidthey're glistenin' like diamonds,go out and find' embut don't blame your daughter

Read me your tombstone,tell me you're sorry, fax me your will,you owe me something stillBlood is like waterthe bath that you poured mehas drained and it's gone,don't blame it on your son

And the song you sing todaywasn't always in your head,the words you tryin' to sayare the ones you shouldn't 've saidthey're glistening like diamonds,go out and find'emThe world is full of diamondsgo out and find'embut don't blame your daughter

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