Keith Green "Draw Me" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:pt

Draw Me

Draw me, oh, draw me, please draw me, my Jesus.Into your presence, where I cannot lie.My soul is so thirsty, I cannot endure it.And if I can't get closer, I surely will die.

Take me, oh take me, please take me, my Jesus.Quickly, before I forget that I'm lost.For so many times, my mind has deceived me,That I really don't have to carry the cross.That I really don't have to carry the cross.

I just need to know how to pray.My wicked desires block the way,Sometimes I have grieved you away,I don't want to do that today.

Help me, oh help me, please help me my Jesus.Save me from sins that I thought were all gone.Kill me with kindness, and break through my blindness.I know till I'm dead, I can never live on.I know till I'm dead, I can never live on.

I just need to know how to pray.My wicked desires block the way,Sometimes I have grieved you away,I don't want to do that today.

Draw me, oh draw me, please draw me my Jesus.

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Draw Me Song von Keith Green. Oder der Gedichttext Draw Me. Keith Green Draw Me Text.