L'Aura "Beware! The Modern Eye" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:fritpt

Beware! The Modern Eye

Beware! The modern eye!The seeking leech that lies!It shuffles in your porch,It's in your TV smoking cigarettesBehind your mummy's back at night…

Reveries are what I long for,Fantasies are what I live for;Where have I been all my life?

We live in an evil worldWhere others ache and die;

Inhuman sacrificeTo feed the West and Western-eyesedWith bloody moneyFalling from the sky!

Reveries are what I long for,Fantasies are what I live for;Where have I been all my life?

Reveries are gonna save us,Fantasies complete and change us;Where have I been all this time?

Beware! The modern eye!The seeking leach that lies!Beware! The modern lie!Deceiving all it eyes!Beware! The modern times!Cause all they bring are lies!Beware! The modern eye!

Reveries are what I long for,Fantasies are what I live for;Where have I been all my life?

Reveries are gonna save us,Reveries complete and change us;Where have I been all this time?

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