Powerwolf "Dead Boys Don't Cry" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:it

Dead Boys Don't Cry

As proud as we're dead, the werewolves are backCountdown the strike and prepare for attackPray when we take your life on this sideAnd you know soon you'll be dyingCold are your veins, and when you denyDark is the night and alone you will dieBreak all the chains and wait for the timeWhen you return with the night

Dead boys don't cryNo wonder whyYou'll see them ride the midnight skyDead boys don't cryFor they can't dieYou'll see them light the grave goodbyeDead boys don't cry

When we come near don't hide in your bedOne night in hell and you wake up undeadDead when the day, alive in the nightGone with the morning horizonDon't you dare say, the damned you adoreWhen you decide you can't take any morePhantoms we are, and lonesome we rideInto the dark of the night

Dead boys don't cryNo wonder whyYou'll see them ride the midnight skyDead boys don't cryFor they can't dieYou'll see them light the grave goodbye

Dead boysDon't cryDead boysDon't cryDead boysDon't cryDead boysDon't cryDead boys don't cry

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Dead Boys Don't Cry Song von Powerwolf. Oder der Gedichttext Dead Boys Don't Cry. Powerwolf Dead Boys Don't Cry Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Dead Boys Dont Cry bekannt sein (Powerwolf) Text.