Radiohead "Idioteque" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:csfrhritsrtr


Who's in bunker, who's in bunker?Women and children firstWomen and children firstWomen and childrenI'll laugh until my head comes offI swallow till I burstUntil I burstUntil I..

Who's in bunker, who's in bunkerI've seen too muchI haven't seen enoughYou haven't seen enoughI'll laugh until my head comes offWomen and children firstAnd children firstAnd children..

Here I'm alive, everything all of the timeHere I'm alive, everything all of the time

Ice age coming, ice age comingLet me hear both sidesLet me hear both sidesLet me hear both..

Ice age coming, ice age comingThrow me in the fireThrow me in the fireThrow me in the..

We're not scaremongeringThis is really happening, happeningWe're not scaremongeringThis is really happening, happening

Mobiles workingMobiles chirpingTake the money and runTake the money and runTake the money..

Here I'm alive, everything all of the timeBackground:The first of the children


Ko je u bunkeru, ko je u bunkeru?Zene i deca prvoZene i deca prvoZene i decaSmejacu se dok mi glava ne padneGutacu dok ne prsnemDok ne prsnemDok...

Ko je u bunkeru, ko je u bunkeruVideo sam previseNisam video dovoljnoNisi video dovoljnoSmejacu se dok mi glava ne padneZena i deca prvoI deca prvoDeca prvo

Ovde sam ziv, sve sva vremenaOvde sam ziv, sve sva vremena

Ledeno doba dolazi, ledeno doba dolaziDaj da cujem obe straneDaj da cujem obe straneDaj da cujem obe

Ledeno doba dolazi, ledeno doba dolaziBaci me u vatruBaci me u vatruBaci me u ..

Ne izazivamo strahOvo se stvarno desava, desavaNe izazivamo strahOvo se stvarno desava, desava

Mobilne mreze radeMobilne mreze cvrkucuUzmi novac i beziUzmi novac i beziUzmi novac..

Ovde sam ziv, sve sva vremenaPozadina:Prvi od dece

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Idioteque Song von Radiohead. Oder der Gedichttext Idioteque. Radiohead Idioteque Text.