The Neighbourhood "Wires" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:bselesitrorusrtr


We talked about making itI'm sorry that you never made itAnd it pains me just to hear you have to say itYou knew the game and played itIt kills to know that you have been defeatedI see the wires pulling while you're breathingYou knew you had a reasonIt killed you like diseasesAnd I can hear it in your voice while your speaking...You can't be treatedMr. know-it-all, had his reign and his fallAt least that is what his brain is telling all

If he said help me kill the presidentI'd say he needs medicineSick of screaming let us inThe wires got the best of himAll that he invested in goesStraight to hell, Straight to hellStraight to hell, Straight to hell

He told me I should take it inListen to every word he's speakingThe wires getting older I can hear the way they're creakingAs they're holding himI could see it in his jawAll he ever wanted was a jobHe tells me to be rawAdmits to every little flawThat never let him sit upon the topWon't tell me to stopThinks that I should be a little cautiousI can tell the wires pulled

If he said help me kill the presidentI'd say he needs medicineSick of screaming let us inThe wires got the best of himAll that he invested in goesStraight to hell, Straight to hellStraight to hell, Straight to hell

I'm having trouble in believingI just started seeingLight at the beginning of the tunnel but he tells me that I'm dreamingWhen he talks, I hear his ghostsEvery word they say to meI just pray the wires aren't coming

If he said help me kill the presidentI'd say he needs medicineSick of screaming let us inThe wires got the best of himAll that he invested in goesStraight to hell, Straight to hellStraight to hell, Straight to hell

Straight to hell, Straight to hellStraight to hell, Straight to hell


Vorbeam despre a o faceScuze ca n-ai facut-o niciodataSi ma doare doar s-o aud, trebuie s-o spuiStiai jocul si l-ai jucatUcide sa sti ca ai fost batutVad firele tragand in timp ce respiriStiai ca ai un moivTe-a omorat ca bolileSi pot s-o aud in vocea ta in timp ce vorbesti...Nu poti fi tratatDomnul stie tot, avea domnia si caderea luiMacar asta spune creierul lui

Daca ar fi spus ajuta-ma sa omor presedinteleAs spune ca are nevoie de medicamenteSatul de tipat lasa-ne inauntruFirele au dat tot ce-i mai bun din elTot ce a investit in se duceDirect in iad, direct in iad

Mi-a spus ca ar trebui sa o iauSa ascult fiecare cuvant ce-l spuneFirele devin batrane pot auzii felul in care scartaieCum il tinAm putut vedea in falcile saleCa tot ce a vrut vreodata a fost un loc de muncaImi spune sa fiu brutAccepta orice mica imperfectiuneCa niciodata lu l-a lasat sa stea in fataNu-mi va spune sa ma oprescCrede ca ar trebui sa fiu putin mai precautSunt sigur ca firele s-au rupt

Daca ar fi spus ajuta-ma sa omor presedinteleAs spune ca are nevoie de medicamenteSatul de tipat lasa-ne inauntruFirele au dat tot ce-i mai bun din elTot ce a investit in se duceDirect in iad, direct in iad

Am probleme in a credeAm inceput sa vadLumina la inceputul tunelului dar imi spune ca visezCand vorbeste. ii aud fantomaFiecare cuvant pe care mi-l spunDoar ma rog sa nu vina firele

Daca ar fi spus ajuta-ma sa omor presedinteleAs spune ca are nevoie de medicamenteSatul de tipat lasa-ne inauntruFirele au dat tot ce-i mai bun din elTot ce a investit in se duceDirect in iad, direct in iad

Direct in iad, direct in iadDirect in iad, direct in iad

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Wires Song von The Neighbourhood. Oder der Gedichttext Wires. The Neighbourhood Wires Text.