David Bowie "tha stars (are out tonight)" Songtext

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tha stars (are out tonight)

Stars are never sleepingDead ones and the living

We live closer to the earthNever to the heavensThe stars are never far awayStars are out tonight

They watch us from behind their shadesBrigitte, Jack and Kate and BradFrom behind their tinted window stretchGleaming like blackened sunshine

Stars are never sleepingDead ones and the living

Waiting for the first moveSatyrs and their child wivesWaiting for the last moveSoaking up our primitive world

Stars are never sleepingDead ones and the living

Their jealousy’s spilling downThe stars must stick togetherWe will never be rid of these starsBut I hope they live forever

And they know just what we doThat we toss and turn at nightThey’re waiting to make their movesBut the stars are out tonight

Here they are upon the stairsSexless and unarousedThey are the stars, they’re dying for youBut I hope they live forever

They burn you with their radiant smilesTrap you with their beautiful eyesThey’re broke and shamed or drunk or scaredBut I hope they live forever

Their jealousy’s spilling downThe stars must stick togetherWe will never be rid of these starsBut I hope they live forever

And they know just what we doThat we toss and turn at nightThey’re waiting to make their moves on usBut the stars are out tonight

The stars are out tonightThe stars are out tonight.

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes tha stars (are out tonight) Song von David Bowie. Oder der Gedichttext tha stars (are out tonight). David Bowie tha stars (are out tonight) Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel tha stars are out tonight bekannt sein (David Bowie) Text.