Pink "Can't Take Me Home" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:hu

Can't Take Me Home

[Chorus:]Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm properShoulda thought about that before you f***** with meDon't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore meCuz all you're thinkin bout is f***** meCan't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm properShoulda thought about that before you f***** with meDon't say you're fallin for me, don't tell me you adore meCuz all you're thinkin bout is f***** me

Why'd ya even talk to me, baby were you curiousYou knew you never had a love like thisMy love was serious, had you deliriousDon't front, I felt it in every kissYou try and play me, like I ain't your ladyWhen you just told me that you love me and you want me as your babyUnderstand me, cuz I know we can beJust as happy as anybody, let your heart feel me baby

[Repeat Chorus]

What the hell was on your mindYou thought I had the time, to be your little undercover thingBut see I can't deal with that, so you better just split with thatCome at me realQuit playin these silly gamesHow can you love me, and then just leave meBecause you see somebody lookingAnd you think they disagreeWell they don't feed you, so why you care booCuz the best love you ever had is right here with you

[Repeat Chorus]

I don't want nobody else but youBut if you keep playing, then I'll make you the foolCuz it's a Pink thangIt's the way you would wanna get with meOh, it's a Pink thangTell you, your mama you're just gonna hafta see

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