Scorpions "He's A Woman - She's A Man" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:fr

He's A Woman - She's A Man

I saw it walking lonely down the streetCool like a cat and like a crazy dreamI'm looking twice again and can't believeIt turned around and then it looked at meI thought "oh, no" it really couldn't beIt was a man and was a woman tooHe's a womanShe's a man

I think it really came from far awayI'm feeling hypnotised, I have to stayIt takes my hand and says come on let's goWe're going home there's nothing more to sayHe starts to move she starts to playI need a body, why not you?He's a womanShe's a man

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes He's A Woman - She's A Man Song von Scorpions. Oder der Gedichttext He's A Woman - She's A Man. Scorpions He's A Woman - She's A Man Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Hes A Woman - Shes A Man bekannt sein (Scorpions) Text.