Ebi "Shab zade" lyrics

Translation to:en

Shab zade

عزیز بومی ای هم قبیلهرو اسب غربت چه خوش نشستیتو این ولایت ای با اصالتتو مونده بودی تو هم شکستی

تشنه و مومن به تشنه موندنغرور اسم دیار ما بوداون که سپردی به باد حسرتتمام دار و ندار ما بود

کدوم خزون خوش آوازتو رو صدا کرد ای عاشقکه پر کشیدی بی پروابه جستجوی شقایق

کنار ما باش که محزونبه انتظار بهاریمکنار ما باش که با همخورشید و بیرون بیاریم

هزار پرنده مثل تو عاشقگذشتن از شب به نیت روزرفتن و رفتن صادق و سادهنیامدن باز اما تا امروز

خدا به همراه ای خسته از شباما سفر نیست علاج این دردراهی که رفتی رو به غروبهرو به سحر نیست شب زده برگرد

Dusk Is Here

My tamed dear friend,You sat on the exile horse with glory?On this land, you were the noble one,You were the last one, and you broke as well,

Thirsty and devoted to the cause,Pride of knowing your name was our only strength,What you gave away to the yearning wind,Was everything we had left,

What kind of mellifluous singer,Called your name, you the helpless lover,That you [opened your wings and] flew blindfolded,In search of anemone flowers,

Stay with us, and while feeling blue,We wait for the spring,Stay beside us, and together,We will bring the sun out,

One thousand birds, in love much like you,Took off by night, in hope of finding daylight,Went and went they went, simple and naïve,None ever came back, even as of today,

God be with you, you exhausted by night,But leaving, is not the cure for this pain,This way that you've chosen, leads to sunset,Not the sunrise, dusk is here, please come back...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Shab zade by Ebi. Or Shab zade poem lyrics. Ebi Shab zade text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Shab zade meaning.