Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Saviour like a shepherd lead usMuch we need thy tender careIn thy pleasant pastures feed usFor our use thy folds prepareBlessed Jesus blessed JesusThou hast bought us thine we areBlessed Jesus blessed JesusThou hast bought us thine we are
We are thine do thou befriend usBe the guardian of our wayKeep thy flock from sin defend usSeek us when we go astrayBlessed Jesus blessed JesusHear O hear us when we prayBlessed Jesus blessed JesusHear O hear us when we pray
Thou hast promised to receive usPoor and sinful though we beThou hast mercy to relieve usGrace to cleanse and pow'r to freeBlessed Jesus blessed JesusEarly let us turn to theeBlessed Jesus blessed JesusEarly let us turn to thee
Early let us seek thy favourEarly let us do thy willBlessed Lord and only SaviourWith thy love our beings fillBlessed Jesus blessed JesusThou hast loved us love us stillBlessed Jesus blessed JesusThou hast loved us love us still